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Socrates' Gad Fly



"I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me."


a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response...


Trollface.png < LULZ



In any community of like minded people, there is a serious problem: they are LIKE-MINDED. Discussions invariably reach the same conclusions, the facts are all agreed upon and rarely challenged.


The danger involved is that such a once dynamic community faces a serious danger of becoming static. Anyone who has a dissenting view is an idiot. Dissent itself is discouraged and shunned.


The truth becomes lost somewhere in the sickly sweet goo of good intentions called political correctness and we talk in codes where words like men, honor and truth are replaced by people, customs and beliefs. That which is special loses its uniqueness because we find new, non-threatening, homogenized, sanitized language because we might inadvertently offend someone.




This is where we need a gadfly. A small buzzing creature that finds a weak place in your arguments and lies and stings the living shit out of you.


Granted: for some people being a troll is just an excuse for poor manners and bad behavior.


Trolling done right, as a Socratic gadfly to sting the consciousness and prod the psyche to see beyond the conventional wisdom, we need that sting. We need that bite. We need to know that there are horizons and truths beyond the end of our nose and the edge of our sweet, gentle village.


There is a wide, wild world out there filled with things that challenge and even threaten us. To ignore it is a mortal peril of stagnation.


Not every gadfly's objective is to get you to see the other side. When it is however, it's a good idea to think first and then tell him he's crazy.


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  • Site Administrator

Being honest is one thing. Being a dick while being honest is another. I am not the most pc of people, I have to try and filter my first response most of the time. I do, however, happen to believe that if I would not walk up to a person I knew and say something I should not say it online either.


There's no excuse for being offensive in my book. Rarely will insulting a person or group make them change their mind on anything. So, dissent away, but remember, if a person acts like an ass most people will only ever see them as that ass, no matter how reasoned the arguement they provide.


(btw, this is not me calling you an ass, James. It's a response to the viewpoint in the blog, not you personally.)

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Cia- you are right. Most trolls are just simply attention seeking asses. It is also why it is so difficult to do well. IF you do it RIGHT, you aren't being a jerk.


Trolling as it is done now is just simply rude.


The function of acting as a Gad Fly is just annoying to the smug and no way rude or gross. It challenges preconceived ideas and prods you to prove your argument.


The troll just tells you that you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny- not that you are.

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  • Site Administrator

snickers. Thank god, considering my mother hasn't dressed me since I was 2. It'd be a real shocker if I was still wearing those hideous clothes :P

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You wrote : "a gadfly, a small buzzing creature that finds a weak place in your arguments and lies and stings the living shit out of you".


What disturb or derange me in your phrase is that you put on the same level "arguments" and "lies".

conter Arguments in a fair and polite discussion is always a pleasure. A well known example among Jews is the Pilpul.

see Pilpul (The word Pilpul has entered English as a colloquialism used by some to indicate extreme disputation or casuistic hairsplitting.)


On the contrary, when someone bring obvious Lies in a discussion, It's neither fair nor polite, and the gadfly may become a pest against whom you should fight with as much power as possible or even stop the discussion.

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It's the lies that get repeated so often that they are considered a truth that must be shattered completely.

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I do not believe you have to be rude to be challenging. However, you have articulated yourself very well here, and quoted a brilliant man in perfect context. I believe that it is the responsibility of every person to constantly question convention, and to balance what any society or group deems as acceptable with carefully considered logic.

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