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The question of life and the universe

This is my musings on a reason for life and the universe if there is a God, beings of such equivalent powers, or some kind of greater effort.


I don't know if this is an epiphany for the Easter Holiday, but it seems interesting enough:


Out of all the Holy texts, it is never explained fully "why" life was started, whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or many assortment of religions. Yes, we have concept of creation by higher beings and stories from people that were "told" indirectly about the reason.


Yet, it still remains a question of "why".


I was thinking about this issue a little while ago and it dawned on me that the question perhaps is the answer. Maybe the reason for life is to pose the evolving questions and provide something more than stagnation.


If the universe before the Big Bang and everything else that came after was a stagnant era with no interaction and something lived at that point in time, maybe, you would want something new.


That got me into thinking, if you wanted something new, it will get old very quickly after a certain time. So why not start off something that is unpredictable, constantly changing, and has no end. It makes thing more interesting and ends the silence.


Perhaps, if there is a higher being or force, there is an underlying idea that stagnation cannot survive and the puzzle is highest priority.


The puzzle should be unsolvable, but we should not stop trying to solve it.


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IMHO, there is no "universal" meaning of life. The meaning of life is what you want it to be, which means there is about 6.7B different and right answers to the meaning of life.



That is an excellent, excellent postulate.


There's something really useful about people's ability to wonder beyond our capacity to understand what we wonder; keeps us busy and keeps that unresolved uncertainty that prevents stagnation.



The answer to life, the universe, and everything has already been established to be 42; further supposition is pointless.

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