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My Scale - Friend or Foe?

I've made no secret of the fact that I joined Weight Watchers. It has been six weeks now and after a gain last week it was back to a loss this week. I think I can accept it all.

Weight has been an issue for me for years, going back to high school. Through the younger grades I was one of those lean little kids everyone liked to pick on. I was average height but thin and wiry. I never really learned to fight but I could run like the wind back then.

High school came and personal disasters had changed me. The weight came on and like a good nerd I got glasses. Then began the yo-yo dieting of up and down with the pounds. Finally in 2002 I'd had enough and joined the program with my mother. Who knew you could lose 80lbs and feel great. Then I moved to Connecticut, watched the Weight Watcher's I was with move away, and soon enough the weight started to slowly go on. When my mother died and my father's health took a blow that required me to move back to Long Island I didn't put on weight, I exploded.

So now here we are again. Back on track, back on a Weight Watchers, and back to watching what I eat. I don't skip meals any more or only eat one time a day. Funny how some people look at those who are overweight and say they just eat too much. Actually the reverse can be true. We don't eat enough and our bodies think we are trying to starve so no matter what we eat it stores as fat and you just get larger and larger. So now I eat three meals a day, snack on fruits, and try to exercise daily. Six weeks into the program I am sitting at 16 pounds of weight loss and drinking enough water to float a boat.

The one thing about this program that I really like is that nothing is off limits. I hate being told I can't have something because then that is all I want. If I want a piece of pizza, fine have it. I want a slice of apple pie, go ahead and eat it. The thing is now I limit what I eat, the quantities each day, and enjoy a larger variety of food then ever before. Dieting is just Die with a t added for effect. What I am doing is a program that shows you how to live healthy not just lose weight. So each week I go in and when I've been good I see a drop, and when I haven't followed it I either stay the same or gain. Only one to blame is me. Wish me luck.

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70% of weightloss comes from what we eat, only 30% on how we exercice. I am in no means overweight, but I have had my share of eating issues. I had adult bulimia for over 10 years and even now I am having hard time to eat when I get down or stressed. Mainly that means eating little or none. I know quiete a few things about eating well, eating wrong and eating unhealthy.


Weight watchers is a good program and you have seen the results can be great. So... be happy about the loss you have already made and focus on just enjoying life and keeping the program only a part of it. How much power you give to the issue affects how your body reacts to the program. Keep positive and determinate but don't let it become a thing that takes too big part of your lufe.


:hug: Wayne, I wish you much much much fun momenta in exercising and strenght on your road to the ideal weight you aim. If you ever need any support or talk, remember that I am also a personal trainer and I have a lot of customers with weight issues. I might be able to give you tips and pep talk. Or a kick on the butt if you need one :P


You are a gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck! You can do it :)



Well, Wayne, the journey you have embarked on requires determination, which you've already proven that you have. I won't pretend that I know anything about weight loss. So Good luck. More grease to your elbows.



I've been doing the constant-small-meals-through-the-day thing and it's worked wonders, not only because my metabolism and energy are higher, but also because I never made food decisions when I'm hungry because really, I'm never hungry except when I wake up in the morning now (which wasn't the case when, like you, I was sometimes only having one giant meal a day). I'm really frustrated right now because I can't do hardly any exercise, but if you can build some new muscle, as I'm sure you now, that burns calories like nothing else.


Good luck!

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