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Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

I had the oldies station on and that old song come on. I didn't know whether to laugh, sing along, or cry. Just been that sort of day today.


I guess overall I can't complain. I am meeting my bills, have a job, and have time to do what I enjoy but I miss not being able to share that with someone daily. I guess that is why I strive to have close friends. As long as you know you aren't totally alone things aren't too bad.


Anyway I also got to thinking about what it might be like to be a ghost. With all the stuff going around what would it be like to literally have no body? Hmm. My mind works in strange ways but don't be surprised if you find a story along those lines sooner or later. In the meantime trying hard to get through my next piece for the Anthology. Have a good one all.


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Not familiar with the song? See:


Hang in there. You won't always be alone.



That is a random jump :o but yeah might make for a good story. Wishing you all the best in the world. You're wonderful and are going to make someone so happy :D



That is a random jump :o but yeah might make for a good story. Wishing you all the best in the world. You're wonderful and are going to make someone so happy :D



The idea for the ghost thing came up as kept seeing the end of that title .. And I ain't got no body. :lol: Come one now KC. Who said my mind ever worked in a normal fashion?



You can be my friend anytime :hug: I bet you will find someone to share your life with. That is what people keep telling me too and I am not buying, but I should just like you should.





you seem like such a great person, so i'm surprised you're not with anyone. you could certainly write a great ghost story, based on some of the other things you've written. :)



Hmmm. I know what you mean.

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