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Holidays - meh



Okay, so we sit a week before Thanksgiving. I'm sort of confused but I think at this time of the year it is is normal. I work full time in retail. That means I am supposed to get no less than 32 hours a week. In fact the latest thing to come down is all full timers will have 36 hours a week. Well they keep scheduling me 30 hours and I have to find ways to add the two hours in so I stay full time or I lose my health benefits.


Well next week is Black Friday. i work in one of those wonderful companies that now think it is a great idea to make it easier on the consumer so we are opening now at midnight. That means for a large number of us, our Thanksgiving has to end by five pm, because we need some sort of sleep before we go in for ten pm and begin working our ten to fourteen hour work day. I know for that week I am already scheduled 46 hours. Joy. I guess it could be worse. Some are opening now at 9pm on Thanksgiving eve, and others are presently talking about staying open all day. Yes, one of the only three days a year that we close is going goodbye so people can shop it. I know giving up my family, my day off, and sleep is nothing against the almighty dollar but whatever happened to being thankful for a good year, and having time to spend with your family. Oh, that's right, family died in the face of the almighty dollar. Silly me.


This is supposed to kick off the holiday season. i don't know about anyone else who works in retail, but what was once my favorite season is now just one more time of the year to get through. The only things I truly look forward to are spending Christmas in bed sleeping, opening my presents from my friends and family (which means my father and my possibly my brother & sister-in-law if they remember in time), and eating a cold buffet meal cause it is one holiday I refuse to cook for. The other is hiding out from an event in December that has been horrible since I was fourteen years old.


Sorry to depress anyone reading this. i was trying hard to get into the holiday mood. Hell I just watched A Miser Brother's Christmas and was preparing to write out my Christmas cards, but I can't seem to find the spirit to do it. I wish you better luck. Happy Holidays.


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  • Site Administrator


Awww, hun. If you work retail, it's a sad sad world this time of year. I once worked a toy store during Black Friday and let me tell you, never again. The RARE times I shop in the holiday season I try to make the job of the clerk as easy as I can. It's not their fault people are nucking futs! I'm sorry you're losing a part of your holiday time with your family and I really hope that this little down mood improves soon. There are a myriad small things I enjoy about the season and the consumerism isn't one of them.


It's hard with your job but maybe try something that will help you get in the spirit like calling a senior center nearby and asking the activity director if you can come in one morning or afternoon and deliver a few holiday cards to people who are often without the means to get out and enjoy the season. Or, try a children's ward and get a few little coloring crayon packets and take cards they can color for their families while they lay in bed. Just a few things I've done over the years that really help me remember that this time of year should be about bringing cheer to others because then you really get it back.



And that's the reason I shop online :)

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