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A step back



I probably am one of the strongest adherent to conservatism and have fought many on principle. Yet, I feel like maybe we should take a breath to relax. I know how hard our lives can be, how difficult circumstances have made us colder and more alien, but in the end, we're not here to write and focus our ideals into something greater than ourselves. We are here to write out our creations, whether they are based on our thoughts, motives, political ideologies, symbolic histories, or whatever your heart contents.


Maybe my little question to GA's members will amount to nothing, but at least I tried.


GA is in need of a a period of peace, we've fought and continue to fight endless battles over everything, maybe it's time to give everyone a period of rest. I know several moderators have had their fill of issues recently from everyone and posters have been entrenched in their positions for a very long while.


While it is natural that people will fight against one another, compete over ideas, and seek to be dominant, as human beings we are capable of being better than animals as we can take a step back from the cycle of conflict and give a pause.


I guess the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914 has affected me deeply, I see a similar pattern of entrenchment here right now over ideology. We need to be reminded why we are here at GA, not for our ideology, but rather the stories we tell and the humanity that many authors have imbued in them.


I am by far not a prolific writer, probably most people have not even touched any of my stories. Yet there are many others here who are many times better writers than me. These writers have stories that can touch your minds and hearts in ways that goes beyond mere fantasy, but into a place where reality and dreams or nightmares may border.

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W_L, thank you for this plog. It brought a smile to my face.


I like what you are saying, a lot. I think we don't have to agree on every issue, but mutual respect would make a huge difference. I must admit I have been feeling low for a few days since the 'fat people on planes' thread really took of. I read comments there from people I personally admire a lot and felt let down. I won't point them with finger.


I like that we all have our minds about things, that should be the richness of GA. We all come from different cultures and different backgrounds with different skills and likes and dislikes. For me what the problem comes down to is selfisness. I'm the first to admit that I'm utterly selfish, stubborn and opinnioted too, yet every now and things happening around me shake me from my bubble. I thrive for a more open minded view of the world. I hate the things that make me narrowminded - I fight it when ever I realize I'm down that path.



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