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Featured Story: Give Me Back My Prompts by Sasha Distan



Hope everyone is enjoying what hopefully is a great summer for you! If you are taking a vacation by chance why not take this interesting story with you and give it a read. It is quite unique to say the least.


Give Me Back My Prompts
by Sasha Distan

Reviewer: Aditus
Status: Complete
Word Count: 8,273

If the review blog was a TV show, one would probably call this entry a cross-over episode. The Review Team crosses quills with The Prompt Team.

Each chapter of Sasha’s story was inspired by a Friday prompt. The result is a diverse collection of unique short stories that reflect the exceptional talent of the author as well as shows the many ways prompts can be used and/or twisted into stories.

There are first-line chapters (“Just slowly rub it in, why don’t you!”), teasers for existing series, superheroes, and stories that make you laugh out loud, grin madly, and some chapters even make you cry. What more could you want?

Well, it’s part of a series; if you want more of Sasha’s prompt stories, read on.😉.

Category: Fiction  Genres:  General Fiction  Sub-genres:  Prompts  Tags:  none  Rating: Teen

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Thanks @wildone for once again writing a great review on Featured Story.  As usual, it got me to read, react, and review a story I had not considered reading.  I have read several of @Sasha Distan stories and enjoyed them very much, but this collection of responses to prompts had escaped my attention.  Thanks again!

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2 hours ago, raven1 said:

Thanks @wildone for once again writing a great review on Featured Story.  As usual, it got me to read, react, and review a story I had not considered reading.  I have read several of @Sasha Distan stories and enjoyed them very much, but this collection of responses to prompts had escaped my attention.  Thanks again!

The reviewer was @Aditus. @wildone just posted it.

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@Aditus my friend, I need to apologize.  You wrote a great review for the Featured Story, Give Me Back My Prompts.  I incorrectly accredited the review to @wildone who posts the reviews.  :facepalm: So, I will repeat what I say with the proper credits and hope you forgive me. 

2 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Thanks @Aditus for writing a great review on Featured Story.  As usual, it got me to read, react, and review a story I had not considered reading.  I have read several of @Sasha Distan stories and enjoyed them very much, but this collection of responses to prompts had escaped my attention.  Thanks again!

I hate to admit it, but this is the second time I've done this.  I have got to remember the guy in the top left corner of the page is not always the writer/author.  Hopefully, the third time will be charmed. 😊


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