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Writing took forever but ....

Between being sick, working massive hours, and trying to keep up with my own stories, well I've fallen a bit behind. I do apologize. I won't even get into the holidays, the cooking and the rest of it.


For most stories on GA I've gotten smart. i write the whole story out, beginning to end, hand it over to my editors and betas, and let them go to town. That way when I say I'm going to post every Monday, Tuesday, or whatever, I can do it.


However, I haven't been able to do that with Accidents Happen. That is the story I created to see if I could do it. Well, who the heck expected to have people read it and want more? The problem has been finding a way to end it. Trust me, more than once Charlie refused to come so I could write and the temptation to have him, oh I don't know, hit by a bus, was fairly strong. lol. However, I knew it wouldn't be fair to Charlie, the readers, or me. So it has been a struggle. Luckily he only has a final chapter and then Charlie can go play in everyone else's imagination for a while.


I am fairly proud of myself though. This week Seeon posted on time, Charlie finally got Chapter 30 out, and I managed to hand over the rewrites for Jonas to Andy. Nice to know when Seeon and Charlie end I'll have another story ready to go. For someone who hasn't done this sort of writing for a couple of years it is nice to flex muscles and get back into it. Oh, and I have a new fairy tale being gone over too, as well as new chapter for the story over on the other site. Having fun between work.


Oh well. Off to bed. Night all.


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