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kung fu fighting...



Okay, just an advance warning, but this may be a long entry... for the full effect.


So, my sister in law Lisa was telling me that the department store she works in made it mandatory that everyone worked the day after Christmas. So she is telling me about her day and this is her story... :blink: Actually it is two stories in one because as I was telling this story to Rich and Tony they had me laughing hysterically with their little comments I will try and include in the appropriate places... :huh:


Lisa is standing behind the counter at the cash register helping customers and there is, of course a long line, being the second busiest shopping day of the year. While she is helping one customer, this lady walks up to the counter all pissed off about something and demands to see a manager so Lisa of course calls one. While they are waiting FOREVER for a manager to show up, another man, apparently a 6 foot tall Asian man, in line gets pissed off and is telling Lisa that she needs to tell the angry lady that she has to wait her turn. Lisa tells the now angry man that while she can't really do that, he may feel free to do so. Well the angry lady is getting impatient and finally says to Lisa, "Maybe you can help me, I just want to exchange this lid because it's dented..." So Lisa says, "Yeah sure, no problem..." So the angry lady starts to walk away in search of her exchange item and the angry man KICKS her! :o Tony said, "Alright, which one of y'all kicked me" His Chris Rock impression from Rush Hour. So angry lady says, "You kicked me! I am calling the police!" So Rich wants to know what kind of kick it was... like a roundhouse to the forehead or what?? Like it matters... By this time another man has gotten involved and is trying to make peace... thank goodness, and he is saying things like, "Come on, it's Christmas, forgive and forget... apologize, etc." The angry, now kicked lady seems to be considering it before she promptly pulls out her cell phone to call the police. By this time, the apparently VERY busy manager has now shown up and wants to know WTF is going on! So Lisa fills her in and is instructed to call store security. When they show up they tell 'angry kicker of women man' that he needs to wait over there while they talk to 'angry been kicked woman' first. So he does the only thing imaginable and... takes off running... LOSER! So the store security takes off and of course catches him... Tony said, "Describe the guy ma'am... well a 6 foot tall Asian guy, and the store security says... well that narrows it down... :rolleyes: " Now I don't know what happened after that because they were in another part of the store. Then Rich said, "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your retail store" :lmao: from the movie Mulan, which if you don't have kids you probably haven't seen. Anyway, I know that this is a very BAD attempt at reliving the silliness from yesterday, but... oh well!


Aside from that, Davey :wub: SO, SO saved my ass again this time. We are getting close to having the next chapter completed... FINALLY. What? I plead temporary Christmas, lack of my sweetie, writer's block :ph34r: That's my story and I'm sticking to it! It's a VERY good thing I get the hold-my-hand, save-my-ass-AGAIN, cheerleader, pep talk for the extremely low, low price of being a big sis and friend to him, cause otherwise I swear I'd be broke and writing total crap!


Big brother Jeff has left for home to spend New Year's with the new fiance, YAY!


And, hopefully Davey and Chris will FINALLY have their presents tomorrow! Apparently Christmas in the UK is like several days longer than it is here in the US :wacko:


Love Ya,


1 Comment

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And the moral of that story is? Don't go shopping on the Day after Christmas, it is hazardous to your health!


Beyond all that, I do hope you all had a very Merry Merry:) and everything was bright and nice:)


You do tell the funniest stories...you forgot to add how tall the lady was? I bet like barely 5 ft and the 6ft guy picking on some little old lady (was she a little old lady?)


You could have written the police blotter...Six Foot Man kicks Little Old Lady over dispute on return of Lid to a pot...news at 11!!


now back to our Anchor, Ms. Vivian:)



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