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Weekly Wrap Up 2/27-3/3



A look back at this week on GA!


This week started off with a review of Tiff's No Fairy Tale World by yours truly! A great story, follow the link if you'd like to see the review if you missed it the first time around. You'll also find a link to the story.


We had member reviews of two stories by site authors, Cassie Q and In the mind of Sunshine. Another feature this week was a prompt 114 response story by Andy021278. This weeks prompts, 116 and 117 were both creative cues. One gives you the basic plot and the other was a starting line prompt. Check them out here!


A big event on GA this week was the reveal of the Reader's Choice Award winners! CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who was up for nomination and those who won. Every story involved deserved the recognition. CJ, of course, won the King of Cliffhangers award. Everyone needs to make sure they don't let him forget the high honor he so obviously deserves!


Thanks to Wildone and Lugh, we also got to see a list of the award winners from the last 5 years in this week's Blast from the Past. It was interesting to see the names of authors move through the lists over the years! You can see it through this link.


This week's tip came from Renee. It was all about head hopping; that nefarious practice where your character's thoughts and emotions pop up when they shouldn't. Bad characters! She gives a good set of examples and how to fix them in the blog that can be found here.


So... we've looked back, now let's look forward.


Spring 2012-Anthology 'It Wasn't Me' is due March 8th. That's Thursday!!
The theme can be interpreted in many ways. Participating in the anthology is a great way for authors, especially new authors, to get a larger number of reads on a story. It's also a great way to give readers a taste of your writing, and possibly gaining you more fans. So if you can, submit a story or poem. Information on how to submit can be found in the anthology forum.


The next anthology is GA's Poetry 'Cracks in Time' due 4-17-2012.


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  • Site Administrator

3 out of 5 stars? *Pouts* I know it's not as pretty as Lugh's blog entries, but I was working on my almost 3 year old netbook. *shoves lip out*



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Just to say, I think these blogs - whether written by Lugh or Cia or Renee or anyone else - are really good. They help to create a real sense of community for GA. A great idea. And yours are very pretty Cia, what with the lioness at the top. :)

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"and a big thanks to YB for being a huge moral support to everyone and for bringing sexyback"


You forgot to add in that part...aside from that, great post :)

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