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Weekly Wrap Up!



So - did everyone (who needed to) remember to change their clocks?


Before going into our Weekly Wrap Up for GA, I wanted to share a few quick announcements. First - a hearty thanks to Lugh who had been the Lead on this, the GA News Blog. This past week we switched over and I'll be the Lead for a while - so if you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know. Lugh did a fantastic job getting this set up, figuring out the daily format and rounding up the ton of content in the goal of making GA a more accessible place for all of us. Again - a HUGE round of thanks to him.


We've also welcomed recently a new moderator to GA - Renee Stevens, as well as a new chat moderator - Patrick (WatchPatRun). These key volunteers, in what are usually thankless jobs, help us keep GA running and a welcoming environment. When the admins asked them (and others in the past), they were willing to step up and help out and we very much appreciate their help.


And with that, the Wrap Up:
We started with a Tip from our fearless leader, Myr. He had a fantastic write up of GA.Stories that is so extremely useful. Cia also did a wonderful Tip piece on reviewing stories. Speaking of reviews, Cia pulled out some reader reviews that help give a much better idea of what Kiss Me Deadly, by NoMoreTears and Wolf, by NightOwl88 are like. After reading these reviews, now I want to go out and read these stories too.


We also had our two weekly writing prompts, thanks to the efforts of ComicFan. CassieQ has already written a very cool alternate perspective of a classic American legend. I can't wait to see where others will take these new prompts. And we closed our week remembering a Dec 2006 review of a very magical TheZot story.


So - did you enjoy these blog entries? Either way, remember to send me any suggestions or comments please!


Anthology Announcements

  • Spring Anthology - deadline has passed (was March 8) - we hope to have these up for reading by next weekend
  • Poetry Anthology "Cracks in Time" - Due April 17th
  • Novella Anthology "Secrets Can Kill" - Due July 31

GayAuthors.Org Announcements:

  • Reminder that March is Team Recognition Month
  • March 15 - Clean Up Deadline - by March 15, please go through your old PMs, attachments, etc and reduce the clutter... honestly you do not need those "yes me too" messages from 2008. Look at your gallery and see if there are pictures you should trim. The more space you help to recover, the better GA runs for all of us.




In Premium this week:
Displacement by DKStories


By our Hosted Authors this week:
Belovéd by Don H


The Experiment by Cia


St. Vincent Book 5 of Bridgemont by Mark Arbour


New Kid In School by Comicality


Paternity Book 12 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP) by Mark Arbour


Circumnavigation by C James


Harry Potter and the Parliament of Dreams by Myr


Rich Boy: Inheritance Book 3 of Rich Boy by DKStories


By our Promising Authors this week:


Prompts? by CassieQ


Blue by Bugeye


Nemesis by David McLeod


Purpose by Quonus10


The Strange Life of Jonas Marks by Comicfan


Aglanthol 3 - The Castle of Saelethiel (The Law Cannot Be Shaken) by Dolores Esteban




Have a great week everyone! Read, Write, REVIEW!!!


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