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Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 14 - Jul. 20)



It appears that I'm back in the here and now. So welcome me back :) 

You may not know it, but a huge thank you to Cia for her help last week. She works in secret and mysterious ways! Speaking of which, make sure you check out the Thursday blog! The deadline is fast approaching to get in your Secret Author entries. Get them to Cia as she seems to be the only one that can keep a secret around here :gikkle:. Probably for the best. So in case you are wondering when the stories will release, I think it would be fair to say that is a secret :unsure:.

Now what happened in the last week here on the news blog?

Monday, we had an all new Signature Author introduced. Has anyone heard of her? Or maybe him, it was a dual in a way? I downloaded her little graphic and put on my siggy to see if I could get her name around the site :yes: 

On Tuesday, our commander in cheif :facepalm:(was looking for a salut, but that is the best I could come up with) did another deep dive into one of his favourite genres:

Wednesday, we looked at the Signature Author Excerpt:

Thursday was a reminder to all, of the fast approaching deadline of the Secret Author Contest:

Friday was Val's day to do our Prompts. Check em out!



What about your this week, did you get any?

tachyphrasia, tachytelic, tantivy, tachistoscope, wanchancy, wasserman, wapenshaw


Upcoming Writing Events 

Secret Author Contest - Due July 24th 2024. Click here for all the information and details.

Annual Anthology - In Too Deep - Due October 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.

Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality - Due April 25, 2025 - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

5 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Sold Into Freedom by Mikiesboy  
  2. You Were There, and other poems by AC Benus  
  3. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens  
  4. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour  
  5. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour  

3 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Window Stories by Ronyx  
  2. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W  
  3. The Many Faces of Kai by Dabeagle  

23 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. It All Started With A Shuttle Flight by P. E. Knapp  
  2. Thicker Than Water by John Henry 
  3. The World of the Legend of the Red Star by Lupus 
  4. The Choice of the Chosen by Celian 
  5. Birthday Fun by Ticklishboy30 **Complete**
  6. Journey Beyond the Sea by Geron Kees  
  7. Return to Sender by Andr0gene  
  8. Half a broken Wing by Celian  
  9. Hubris by ValentineDavis21  
  10. Country Retreat by quokka **Complete**
  11. Of Pride and Power by W_L  
  12. Crossing the line by Robert Hugill  
  13. Ark II by R. Eric  
  14. A Wizard's War by TeamStilinski  
  15. Liar vs. Liar by Laura S. Fox  
  16. Another Ordinary Guy by chris191070  
  17. Roadie In Love by Lee Wilson  
  18. The Shadowy Path by Lupus  
  19. Trash Polka by Demiurge  
  20. They may not mean to, but they do by Robert Hugill  
  21. Andre and Chris by Paladin  
  22. Halos and Heroes by JJQuinn  
  23. The Rip by Mark Ponyboy Peters **Complete**


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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