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Weekly Wrap Up!



The sun goes down - I think about you. The coffee cup - I think about you...
Oops - sorry... need to do the weekly wrap up, eh? Heh -and it WAS a great week to wrap up.


Monday started with Cia's review of Weeping Lily, by our Hosted Author Nephylim. On Wednesday, Frostina did a review of Over the Precipice by Promising Author Dark, and we got to see a glimpse of a story by Jasper, a new author who wrote Out of the Woods. Though this is still in progress, Michael9344's review makes it sound like an intriguing story to follow.


Two great writing prompts this week - one on correct usage of certain words/phrases in Oops, it's wrong... or is it? The other has the odd title of Said-Bookisms, but nothing odd about how helpful this tip is on how to put more variety into dialogue sections of your writing. Both are written by Cia and both are fantastic.


Our new Friday prompts are really interesting - I hope a few people take the plunge and especially try out the poetry one. These prompts are a great way to go beyond your comfort zone - just play with them and see what you can do. We also took a look at how two writers tackled prompts - one recent and a quite older one.


Then we closed the week looking at a review by K.C. of one of our earliest Anthology entries, Nicks_a_writer's Finding My Summer Adventure.


So - did you enjoy this week's blog entries? Send me any suggestions or comments please!


Anthology Announcements

  • Poetry Anthology "Cracks in Time" - Due April 17th
  • Novella Anthology "Secrets Can Kill" - Due July 31

GayAuthors.Org Announcements:



In Premium this week:


Displacement by DKStories


By our Hosted Authors this week:


The Experiment by Cia


Paternity by Mark Arbour, Book 12 of Chronicles of An Academic Predator (CAP)


The Secret Life of Billy Chase 6 by Comicality, Book 6 of Billy Chase Chronicles


St. Vincent by Mark Arbour, Book 5 of Bridgemont


Circumnavigation by C James


Sky Light - Phase 1:Impact by Comicality


By our Promising Authors this week:


Blue by Bugeye


Aglanthol 4 - Tyrnae (Journey to the Otherworld) by Dolores Esteban


Purpose by Quonus10


Nemesis by David McLeod


Have a great week everyone! Read, Write, REVIEW!!!


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