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Weekly Wrap Up!



Hopefully your weekend has been enjoyable - here's your look back at our GA week.


We started looking at Hosted Author Nephylim's great story Home. If you haven't check out LouisHarris's review of Home, and, if it grabs your fancy, maybe check out Home itself.


Our tips for the week were on Being a Reader, and one for authors on What to Look for in a Beta Reader. We're always looking for new tips so if you have one you want to share, let Renee Stevens or myself know.


Our midweek author's showcase gave us a review of Promising Author AFriendlyFace's Buy Me a Drink as well as Frostina's Prison of Hope.


Thanks to ComicFan, our weekly prompts are already stirring some good imaginative stories and we looked at a beautiful poem that Mark92 wrote in response to a past prompt.


We wrapped up the week looking back at Viv's entry in the 2006 Fall anthology - All I Wanted.


If you missed any of these entries - head on back and check them out!


Anthology Announcements:

  • Summer Anthology “Choices” – Due June 8th
  • Novella Anthology "Secrets Can Kill" - Due July 31st




In Premium this week:


Displacement by DKStories


By our Hosted Authors this week:


The Experiment by Cia


Dribbles by Cia


Paternity by Mark Arbour, Book 12 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP)


Circumnavigation by C James


Odyssey by Mark Arbour, Book 6 of Bridgemont


Forging Trust by Renee Stevens


By our Promising Authors this week:


The Prompt You Say! by ComicFan


Nemesis of David McLeod


Have a great week everyone! Read, Write, REVIEW!!!


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