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My short story, The Unintended Consequences, ideas and concepts

While my story is short, it carries some interesting ideas.


My story is quite sad, but within it I tried to give people a deeper understanding on the issue of peaceful resistance against foes such as the businessman in my story. A critical flaw in the concept of nonviolence is that nonviolent solution requires human beings to have equal consciences and equal beliefs in what is right and wrong. Morality is relative to a culture, whether it is Christian, Islamic, Taoist, Hindi, or any other belief system under human perception. As such, there is no such thing as the absolute equivalences in goodness or evil in human beings, only moral relativity amongst our belief system, which may hold certain similar principles, but never exactly the same.


The businessman also used the spirit of the past to ignite those among the crowd most susceptible to his belief systems concept of "evil" within. The evil maybe homosexuality or even left handed people. By using the concept of evil within an group, who's ideology is aligned to believe in such things, a peaceful protest becomes nothing more than a catalyst for even worse actions in the future. The speech also held a few lines from Nazi propagenda and concepts, including the infamous two words at the end "Final Solution" to give a finality to the problem of this evil in society aka homosexuality.


As for the boy who sacrificed himself in order to seek a greater peace. I won't lie, I am using Christian Allegory here with the boy as a Christ figure sacrificing himself in hopes that people may realize how harmful these ideas are to society. Nonviolent protesters in the past used self-inflammation to project their point that certain things were wrong in society and while they do not wish to use violence, they were willing to give up their lives to raise issues in society. The unnamed young man in essence is the faceless people putting down their lives on a Pyrrhic sacrifice.


It's an allegory, not only for Chick-Fil-A, but also for every person to understand that each action has a consequence. As the Chinese Art of War tells everyone, "You must know your enemy, and know yourself, then you shall see a hundred battle, but not a hundred defeats."


In addition to this concept, which does not just mean merely violence or active conflict as Sun Tzu also said, "A leader's best quality is the ability to not fight and win a war through strategy before having to sacrifice resources of man and supplies."


A lot of complex ideas under 2K in words.




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Actually, it is not belief which is the real issue in conflict, although as you say, that can be used as a motivator. The real issue is identity. Belief is one tool for defining identity, but so is nationhood, localism, interest community, etc. These are myths built to create a focal point to which a person can call others as an anchor for belonging and a definer of in/outgroupness. The conqueror can then use this as a means of coalesence to gather cohorts for good or bad (group acceptable/unacceptable). Defenders (if such be the case) or non-aggressors can do the same (WWII allies, federation as opposed to the Borg, Suffragettes etc).


As such, belief has little or nothing to do with it at base. Defining oneself in a particular way is action (fact) as opposed to belief (notion). People rarely believe themselves to be correct, they usually 'know' it (although there is some scope to question that statement) and act accordingly. I'd suggest that is a pre-requisite for aggressive action, where the psychological ability to inflict pain, or to risk injury / death requires more than belief, but a high degree of certainty.



Love your concept of identity, i think we were exposing similar ideas. Though we hold different perspectives and words, i see the concept as individual moral relativism, based on shared and different beliefs. Our ideas seem complementary as without a basic moral relativity you would not hold concepts of "Good vs. Bad" as you implied.


In my story i tried working in motivations such as greed, power, and belief as shared factors in the tragic ending.

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