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American Greatness



I came across a powerful indictment of American hubris. Not to pile on about the decline of America which I don't personally think has happened, but in my opinion we are less than we assume and less than what we were.


Please take a look at the video in the below link and watch it all the way to the end but be warned it contains some very strong language:





I submit that with politics dead-locked in this country, we are becoming a dysfunctional society. People seem to care more about their own personal agendas than the good of the country. I have lived through 12 different presidential administrations. The trend since President Nixon has seen the middle class shrink, government being blamed for problems instead of used as problem solver and the rise of huge corporations with corporate practices intent on only the bottom line without regard for much of anything else.


What do you think of the views expressed in the video and by me?


*Cia has reviewed this video to ensure it does not violate GA.'s ToS*

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Ah, that video. I love that video. I don't even know what it's from (TV show?), but feel it's quite powerful. The man sends a message, and he sends it passionately (even if it is staged).


I agree, more or less. America (I love this too) has become, less than the greatest; similarly, I agree that we can be. As the man said, we lose in all the positive charts, and come out on top in the questionable ones. It's disappoint, really.


From my point of view, this country is a tad bit... broken. Corporations run nearly rampantly, the less off are being disgarded, we're stuck in aimless and vague, unnecessary wars. Our infrastructure is falling apart, and the government can't stop arguing with itself (over pettiness, no less) long enough to fix it... hell, they probably don't even want to fix it, considering it a waste of immediate money, with little to no forethought at all.


Hard times seem ahead, mate. Poor 'States, poor us, poor world. :(

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Sorry, but this is a crock of shit to the highest end. Jeff Daniels (the guy playing the character speaking) seems to paint an unrealistically perfect vision of America past. He seems to leave out many of the major problems faced by America in the past that were overcome in the present. He doesn't mention the advances in technology and knowledge in general that have come about that past generations could never have even dreamed of. Each period in American history has its own set of problems, with some being worse then the others. They have all been overcome, and I don't see why we can't continue that trend. I'm so sick of having my generation belittled by the older generations, because they forget they had some serious issues facing them when they were younger. Its bullshit, plain and simple. 

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Wow, my opinion is one in millons, but truth is truth.  I will address small issues. What happened to driving to your friends house un-announced on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and just visiting? Where is the privilege of walking down a sidewalk with no fear of your fellow man?


Tet, with all due respect, technology and knowledge does not give us as indviduals our freedom. You are not being belittled, but you are being shown the facts of life in America as they are at this day and time. You are young, no offspring yet that you have to wake up every morning  and worry about their well-being that day. I don't envy you that day. I felt watching and getting mine grown was a chore. You have your work cut out for you.


I hope with al my heart the younger generation will overcome. Our world is in chaos, and if you and your generation can sort it out, so be it. But technoloby and knowledge is a top rung on the ladder. The bottom rungs of real life and day to day life need to be addressed.

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Sorry, but this is a crock of shit to the highest end. Jeff Daniels (the guy playing the character speaking) seems to paint an unrealistically perfect vision of America past. He seems to leave out many of the major problems faced by America in the past that were overcome in the present. He doesn't mention the advances in technology and knowledge in general that have come about that past generations could never have even dreamed of. Each period in American history has its own set of problems, with some being worse then the others. They have all been overcome, and I don't see why we can't continue that trend. I'm so sick of having my generation belittled by the older generations, because they forget they had some serious issues facing them when they were younger. Its bullshit, plain and simple. 

I think it does make it's point taking some dramatic license.  But where does the US rank in reading, math, and science?  Where do we rank in life expectancy? Where do we rank in obesity rates?  Where do we rank in the number of prisoners?   So it is not all a crock of shit even if it doesn't jibe with your perception of reality. 

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It's the fact that he called this generation the worst ever that had me shaking my head.


He leaves out all the sexism and racism that was present back in the day, all the horrors committed upon immigrants, the past ignorance regarding environmental protection policies; doesn't talk about any of the new era scientific breakthroughs, progressive acceptance of parts of the country; and doesn't mention those bombs which was dropped in the middle of two cities populated with civilians. 


There's no such thing as the "best" country -- US never was such a flawless country before and blaming it on this generation is stupid.


What can "rankings" tell you? Take Japan for example. it was one of the leading powers in the world. They ranked very high in militant power and sciences and life expectancies (and still do in certain areas). Does that negate what they did in Nanjing? Nope.

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You are right that every country has things in its past that diminish them.  And our country was very much wrong in the way it was built with no respect for native cultures, the use of slave labor, inequality for women, and its expansionism.  However, the genius was that we evolved and overcame those blunders.  Some at great cost.  Most people today have no idea of the great cost of our Civil War. 


Further the assessment that today's generation is the worst ever is hyperbole of the worst sort. 


But since 1980, what great progress have we made socially in America?  

We have more poor and more poor as a percentage of the population.

We used to be country that valued education and made it affordable but as a percent of budget, both state and federal, that has declined.  When I was in college, a student could work part-time and pay their own way through a state school.  Now students are burdened with student loans that they will be paying until they are in their forties. 


Politicians used to know how to reach across the aisle and get things done.  The headlines today make hay out of the fact that the US Senate passed a budget proposal for the first time in four years and it was by a bare majority of the Democrats.


If any of the polls are to be believed at all (and yes some of them got the election right) a clear majority of the American people believe the budget should be brought under control by a mix of cuts and tax reform.   Does anyone believe that there will be any meaningful tax reform with the closing of loopholes?


So I guess, the point of my blog is to start to get people to actually start thinking and doing something and not just rely on a limited source of information before coming to conclusions. 


It really is up to the people to force the kinds of change we want for America to be all she can be.   If it's going to continue to be every man for himself, I'm making mine and to hell with everyone else, then I guess this is nirvana. 

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I don't think half of all Americans half realize how regressive we are


When you're stuck in your stinky room long enough, you don't smell the stench but I assure you other people can and do.

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