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One story ends and some ideas about the future

I really do enjoy writing realism into stories; I know it's not pure fiction and there's something interesting about reflecting on your life in a story. You guys can probably pick up various reasons why I am not a great boyfriend from reading my story, I freely admit it, too. I failed to read deeper into the romantic nature of my own relationship; perhaps, I don't know if it was a real relationship or a friendship that could never get launched. Perhaps, I was right in the beginning of it all; the differences were far too great to bridge between us, not even technology can unite a gulf of emotions, backgrounds, and languages.


My last micro-chapter, "Don't Believe in Fairy Tales" started off with a fictional italics texts of what I'd love to have happened. Two guys meeting up on the riverbanks in Toronto expressing their deep love for one another, then culiminating in deep steamy sex. I know it doesn't happen in real life, so do many of GA authors even the most diehard romantics. It's a fairy tale that you shouldn't believe in, but you can't escape from.


On the plus side, I have actually completed my first well-reviewed story that is non-anthology based. I also wrote in a realistic modern short style that few authors attempt (probably fewer readers enjoy as well). Conceptually, it is based on communications and modern technology, shrinking our daily lives and details down to the tiniest pieces of information imaginable like a line of text.


So what are my future plans: Big Squeeze needs a chapter 3, so it will be coming back soon. My most detailed fiction story after my briefest fiction.


After that comes out, I have been toying with some concepts about eastern religion. My thought process came up during my exploration and explanation of Chinese Holidays and rituals. I am a fusion religious practitioner, maintaining Taoist traditional concepts and Christian principles, but I prefer philosophically Taoist ideals of natural equilibrium versus Christian hierarchy. Chinese Taoism has influenced other religions in the Far East like Shinto, Zen Buddhism, and Tengrism, a religion that I recently read up on and enjoyed as a divergent viewpoint.


Eastern Religion is not completely dogmatic in nature; although, Buddhism has a few notable dogmatic traditions and concepts. Strip away all the fancy rituals, holy texts, and wise masters, you will end up with several facets of Eastern philosophy.


1. There are distinct religions based on concepts about human behavior and our actions: Buddhism beneah the sutras and texts is a religion that is deeply psychological and emotional, seeking to rise above mankind's own basic faults. Desire leads to sufferring is a basic concept within Buddhism that I think everyone can understand, but within "desires" comes a myriad of psychological demons within human beings.

2. There are distinct religions based on concepts about natural processes and evolution (Yes, Evolution as a religious concept can be easy to swallow): Taoism and Tengrism are nature based religions. Early adherents of Taoism were chemists, engineers, and astronomers/astrologers, who gathered readings of the changes in nature and reflected on their meaning and applications. Common people thought it was magic, but the educated gentry understood it was "science" or the "way" nature worked. From them came, compasses, paper, gunpowder, and automated machines. Tengrism holds the development of people and nature over time as part of the natural order, plus it accepts different interpretations of their "one God" concept.


You don't need to be part of the Judeo-Christian family of religions to be monotheistic, but there are distinct differences outside of the Bible, Torah, and Qur'an in terms of views on the nature of God.


The eastern religions will serve as a backdrop for the plot that develops. I have an idea in my mind for this new story based around Police Officers or Special Federal Agents with a mixture of science fiction, horror, and fantasy elements along with CSI Styled forensics and Criminal Minds Styled profiling.


Well that's my plans for now, it might change.


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