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Help, in Italiano!

I need your help. I have probably very unwisely written a sonnet in Italian, a language i know only from opera usage....


SO, i am hoping that there are native or fluent speakers willing to vet this and tell me where my grammar is laughable. You would be loved eternally for any assistance to whip this into shape.


Naturally i could ask Tony to do it, but i would dearly love to surprise him with a piece that is easy to read. This is because the message is what i wish him to get first and foremost.


Here goes; please be gentile. Mille grazie, amici tutti mie!



Il mio abbraccio ti aspetta,

Ragazzo, principe focoso –

Con il tuo sorriso estroso,

Si è tutt'altro che timidetta.

E come i pastori di vecchia,

Bruceremo ardente come Amor

Tra le colline e boschi ancor

Dove il nostro sogno sonnecchia.

Vieni a me con passione,

Prendere la mano forte offro

Di dimenticare afflizione,

Perché senza di te io soffro.

Lasciate che questo relazione

Futuro amanti decifro


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My Italian is very poor, so I can't offer anything constructive.  Beyond actually recognizing a few words, I do know enough of pronunciation to say that your poem sounds beautiful.

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I wonder where Bob is, I think he speaks Italian. 

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AC Benus


MikeL, thank you for saying that - lol - i think so too!


Arpeggio, bello - i hope you can find him for me!

old bob


Sorry to disappoint you. My knowledge of Italian writing are not good enough to correct such a beautiful text. Try to find someone else. Otherwise, I'm sure the person to whom it is intended will read it as it is, and understand its meaning. Good luck !

Old Bob

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