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Additional Writing

Hey guys and girls and aliens!


Do you know, your beloved and most treasured writer (the right and honorable Jordanator), is a fanfiction writer?


Oh yes, I specialize in my favourite book series: The 39 Clues and my favourite video game, Portal.




WOW! Bam, bam, link out of nowhere! If you click on it, it should take you to a list of my fanfiction stories. I have 6. I reccomend you read:


- Test Subject #00001
- Isabel Kabra
- Activation


These stories I think will be great to read if you have no idea on the background on the fanfiction you're reading. It adds a sense of mystery, especially to Test Subject #00001 (you must read this). My other stories are also good but you may be confused.


You do not have to be a member of the Fanfiction site to read and/or review chapters. Even if you want to join, it is entirely free anyway.


These stories aren't anything to do with Gay Authors, but I thought I'd share the opportunity for some of you to read more of my work, seeing that people really like my writing.


So there you go :)


Recommended Comments

Former Member


Jordan... I hope you realize that stories on GA do not have to be Gay themed.. simply written by an author who identifies with or supports the LGBTQ community.


I feel you qualify there. It's wonderful you have your stories on the other site, you might like to consider posting them here as well!


Just my two pence.



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