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The New Book, Part R.1

Revision day on the book. Chapters 1 through 4 received major proofreading, correctioning, and a bit of revising. Major revision was the title of the book. It started out to be GMMOs because at the time I came up with it there was real meaning to the letters, but now I can't remember what the second M is supposed to be, so the book is now titled The GMOs. I'm sure everyone knows what that means.


I admit it, I have a problem with tenses. Went through Chapters 1, 2, and 3 looking for 'ings' that needed to be changed in the 'eds'. Hope I got them all, but I'm sure Sharon will be able to find more. She's good at that and probably says "Oh, god, not another one" every time she proofs one of my chapters. I also have a problem where to put asked, before or after the name. I'm sure she, again, says "Oh, god, not another one, I wish he'd learn where to put these things." Chapter 4 was done yesterday with it's initial proof.


Last night I posted excerpts of Chapter 1 on Sneak Peeks. I took out all references to what's actually going on, but left in a lot of how life is on the new Hercules III. Also, left out the gory parts that are there only to show what bots are capable of in their treament of human criminals. They'll be in the final; I hope. Of course, I'm always coming up with gory bits to throw into stories and have to ask permission to put them in and I do understand why that is so.


Tomorrow, Chapter 5.


I do have a problem though. In Chapter 3 there is a part where two women come to realize they want to move their relationship from boss/employee to something more than good friends. Reading through it today, I realized that it might help if a Lesbian read through the section and see if I gave it a realiable representation of real life or if I'm an old queer who has the temerity to write something he knows nothing about. If anyone knows of someone let me know; or, maybe I just need to talk to the beta people and see if they can help.


Life is moving along. Sleep is crap and doesn't seem to be getting any better. I know, I'm just obsessing again. Had to take a short nap to catch up today. Though, I did sleep rather soundly through the night, just couldn't get to sleep and woke up too early.


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