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The New Book, Part 5B

Well, finished Chapter 5 tonight. Another quick one. Two days, 5,621 words. At this rate, the book looks like it’ll come in at over 100,000 words; good size for an amateur writer.


Tomorrow, I’ll start Chapter 6, introduce a new character, and move from an agricultural scene to another urban story. Chapter 4 was sort of an urban story, but there was no clear indication where exactly it lay. I suppose it could have been in a small town, but that never came into play.


As I see the book progressing, it becomes clearer that the story will move forward in time until most of the major characters end up in the same locale. There is always the chance that one or two won’t want to go where the others are going, but I think I can work it around so that each will have a happy ending.


On the home front, last night I got eight and a half hours of sleep, though this afternoon I had to lie down for a nap; or, maybe it was just to rest my eyes from all this writing and reading I’m doing. Anyway, big storm coming in tonight, windows are already rattling and a gust about a half an hour ago actually shook the house (Mobile home, manufactured one year before they started calling these things manufactured homes. As far as I’m concerned, if it comes to the site on wheels it’s a mobile home. Comes on a trailer, it’s a modular home. Same principal, different delivery.)


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