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The Storm Passeth Away

For the optimist, all bad things do tend to fade away. I've gone from normal thru suicidal and back to some semblance of normal in three long weeks.


Although mental stability has regained a footing, I don't feel I'm completely out of the woods. I would like to get back to writing, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards right now, which is okay because I have a lot of material to post on The G.M.Os. and, now, Remembering Tim.


Right now I'm reading my old stuff and works by other authors here at GA. Over the course of three days I read thru Pastel Cowboy and was surprised by the number of typos I found, but there are no major structural problems with the story and I think it can stay as is for the time being.


I want to thank all of my readers who expressed concern over my mental state and look forward to the day when I will be back to at least 90% of normal. I still have a strange feeling that creativity will be jeopardized in the name of mental stability, but can that be all that bad? That's the big problem with bipolar disorder, or any other mental disability, having to accept what's good while giving up somethings you feel you need or want.


And, so, I move forward with the game and play the cards I've accepted because I know that I cannot go back to the darkness that exists on the other side of creative freedom.

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