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July Signature Excerpt: Light Reaches Earth By Comicality



Did you catch Monday's post with Comicality's favorite reviews from Light Reaches Earth? Didn't get the graphic for your signature? You can still check it out here. Now we're going to feature Comsie's chosen excerpt.


Comicality says... "This story was written for one of the GayAuthor Anthologies, and I really wanted to tell a story with a science fiction edge to it, but mostly existed as an emotionally involving tale of true connection and self discovery. No sexual content needed. Just a narrative on who we are and what we're searching for in this life. Happiness. I hope this story did the trick. I chose this section as an introduction to the meeting between both boys, and the intrigue and fascination that comes with them preparing to match wits on the idea of intelligent life itself in the universe. I hope it will get you all to read more."


"I absolutely LOVE your sky!" Came a voice from over my shoulder, and I jumped. So startled that I nearly dropped the rope ladder over the ledge as I was pulling it up.I looked back over my shoulder to see that super weird transfer kid again, walking out of the shadows and marveling at the dark sky overhead. "What the hell are you DOING up here?""I followed you and your friend. I'm sorry, I don't sleep as much as you do. 'Day' and 'night'...they work a little differently where I'm from." He said plainly as he walked further out onto the roof, not taking his eyes off of the air above us. "Wow...it's breathtaking." He sighed with awe. "Our sky is never this dark. We don't get to see as many stars as you do. Not all at once like this. But...looking at it now...it's so beautiful. It's almost like you can see the whole universe from here.""Ummmm...what the hell are you talking about?" I asked, almost annoyed now by his confusing level of abnormality.
"Your sky! I mean...aren't you completely blown away by it? Aren't you mesmerized by its beauty? The stars all look so different from this angle. They're completely rearranged. And your moon? It's silver. Oh, that is so...'cool'!"


Shrugging my shoulders, I told him, "It's ok, I guess."


He looked down for a second to smile at me. "Oh...well, I suppose you're used to seeing it this way, huh?"


"They don't...have a sky where you come from?" I asked with a touch of sarcasm.


"Not like this." He said softly. I said it as a joke, but I think he took it seriously. Then, he suddenly started walking towards me REALLY fast with his hand out and an even bigger smile. I cringed and instantly started to move back from the unpredictable nature of his speedy approach. "Hi! My name is Cairo!" He said happily.


"Your name is 'Cairo'?" I asked, trying to settle my nerves enough to shake his hand. "Like...the city?"


He smiled. "YES! Like the city!" He gasped excitedly. "I love Cairo. That's where my ancestors used to dwell." I pulled up the rest of the ladder and moved away from the edge of the roof to put some distance between me and 'psycho boy'. But whenever I moved in one direction, he moved right along with me, step for step. Grinning like a toddler on a sugar high. "I am SO happy to be here. It's my first time, so I am only allowed to stay for three of your day cycles. But it has been an enlightening visit. I really feel a touch of sadness...knowing that I have to leave soon."


"Right...you just transferred in for a day or two, right?" I asked, and he seemed a bit confused at first.


"Oh...yes. Transferred in. Indeed." He said, and looked back up at the sky again. "Fascinating." He whispered to himself, staring to the point of distraction. "Look at that one...OOH, and THAT one! Don't you see them??? WOW! This is beyond belief." He saw me not really understanding what the heck he was babbling about, and his arm lashed out to take a hold of my hand and roughly pull me forward. I didn't even have a chance to protest. "LOOK! You see that star there? And that other one over there?" It was kinda hard to see what he was pointing at. I mean there's a million stars up there in the sky. Hard to pinpoint just one with the point of a finger. "And you see that little cluster of stars, right over there? They're not even THERE anymore! They've been dead and gone for over a century now. But HERE...here you can still see them clear as day! Amazing! I've only read about those stars in books. I never thought I'd ever actually get a chance to SEE them."


"They're...not there anymore?" I asked.


"No. You see, that one in the center died...there was a huge explosion, and there's a giant black hole there now. It sucked in all the stars and moons around it a LONG time ago. But to see it now...WOW...it's like nothing ever happened. It's almost like those stars are still really there....looking at it from this distance, anyway." He said. "I guess you guys won't see it like we see it for another few hundred years....but...if you can catch sight of it...the explosion is one of the biggest in recorded history. It's legendary to most civilizations. If only you could see it. It's like a burst of color...then a spiral swirl of light being pulled towards the center...and then total darkness."


"Cairo? Ummm...I'm not exactly sure what it is that you're talking about, but since you seem to be having soooo much fun with your little 'delusion' here, I'm gonna leave you to it and go back downstairs. K? Enjoy."


His smile dimmed for a second, and then he turned around to look at me as I headed back towards the door. He seemed confused. "But...but wait. Where are you going?"


"I'm going back to my room. And I suggest you do the same before Fitterman catches you up here. It could mean a world of trouble for you, believe me."


"But...Riley..." How did he know my name? I turned around to face him and he smiled again. "...I want you to be my witness."


"Your what?"


"My witness. Every time one of us comes down for a study, we're allowed one 'visitation'. We can choose one witness of sound mind and intelligence to bear the message." He said. "I choose you."


I wrinkled my brow even more, and took a few steps closer to him. "Wait...I don't get it. Choose me? Witness? A witness for what?"


"Why...a witness for the coming revelation. The ultimate disclosure." He said. "You still have a ways to go yet, but it will happen in your lifetime, I am certain."


Want to read more? Check out the rest of the story here!

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I just Loved their conversation on the first day they met. Its just about the nature beauty and its giving to us. Just, as he said, Fascinating... :)

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Thanks, loved the story..

Hmmm... My lover might be a guy like Cairo !!!


Even after 25 years I sometimes cannot believe he is really from this planet ! To f...ing unbelievable nice and handsome...


Hey just joking ! Don't tell him that !


Andy G

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