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Renee Stevens


Well, things seem to be on an upswing for me lately, most of the time. I'm hoping that applies to my writing as well. While I've had some health issues, they seem to be getting under control. I've had a lot on my mind lately as well, but those things finally seem to be getting worked out, and in some ways, I'm happier than I have been in a long time. That's not to say I don't still have some issues. While I have been mostly happy, my anxiety occasionally rears it's ugly head, and there are times that I can go from being happy to extremely depressed and questioning everything. These times are extremely hard to deal with, as they make me wonder if it would be better to just fade into the background and whether anyone would even care or notice. The answer to that when I'm in the midst of a depression episode is no, but that's okay. Everyone has their own lives and things to worry about and they don't need to be worried about me. But I hope, in time, that will get better as well and that these moments will lessen.


So now let's get to the writing news.


I have decided to finish Forging Trust. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I started posting a story all the way back in 2012. I was posting as I wrote it, which I usually do, but then I hit a snag. Or a "trap" as you will. It's a trap I've seen others fall into before and to be honest, I thought I would be able to avoid it. I didn't. I quit writing on Forging Trust, put it as On Hold, and started something new. That worked, but knowing it was just sitting there drove me completely nuts.


When I first started writing Forging Trust, I had a plan. I knew exactly what was going to happen from beginning to end. I had just broken the 35,000 word mark and then it happened. The trap was sprung. I love my readers. I love hearing what they think about a story. But there is a specific trap that can be sprung when you're posting as you're writing. That happened to me. Since the story wasn't complete yet, I let my readers influence where the story was going. By doing that, i lost my momentum. I no longer had a clear path to follow. There were suddenly all these twists and turns that I never expected and had no idea how to deal with. I wasn't happy with these twists and turns. They weren't the story that I wanted to write. So rather than write a story that I knew I wouldn't be happy with in the end, I quit writing on it period.


I did manage another chapter almost two years later, but that was it. So, what does this mean for Forging Trust? As of today, it is unpublished, but don't worry. It WILL be back. I am currently working on it, cleaning up and tweaking things here and there. But it will not be reposted until it is complete. This way, I can ensure that the story I post, is the story that I originally planned to write. After so long, I'm working through the current chapters to get a feel for the characters again. I'm tweaking things based on new things that I've learned. Hopefully, when it's finished, it will be a story that was worth waiting for.


I hope when Forging Trust makes it's reappearance, that you'll all join in and read. I will still want to hear your thoughts, what you liked and didn't, but since the story will be complete, I won't be influenced to change it to something that wasn't what it was supposed to be.


And to authors... don't fall into the trap I did. Write your story the way YOU want to write it. Yes, your readers might be angry at you from time to time. You might get those "how could you" messages. But in the end, you must be happy with the story that you're posting.

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I look forward to reading Forging Turst when it is republished.  I'm sure I'll like it as much as I did the first time around. :) 

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The 'trap'....been there and had it happen to me.  Fortunately, I was able to work my way through it with only a minor disruption to my posting Able III.  I think it is a pitfall that can happen to anyone who is posting while still writing the story instead of waiting until you have it all finished.  Thanks for articulating the problem so clearly and in a way that explains what can happen to the writing process.

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Renee Stevens


On 8/5/2017 at 10:29 AM, Headstall said:

This is great advice, Renee. Thanks for putting 'the trap' into words. In my years of reading and reviewing, I'd heard aspects of this from other authors, and I've actually witnessed reviews/comments sway authors in where they go with an ongoing story. One story in particular stands out, and I even sent a PM to the author saying to ignore the firestorm and stick to his guns. Unfortunately, this very promising story became a disaster, and as far as I know, that author quit... he moved on at any rate. I took that lesson to heart when I started writing.


I always know where my story is going and I stay true to it. I jealousy guard my 'vision,' but I do appreciate hearing all the thoughts and speculation. I can't/won't write by the seat of my pants, despite any pressure. Everyone has their own opinion about whatever they're reading, but I can only work with my own. That's not to say I have every scene planned out because I don't, other than in general. Those take on a life of their own, and I think that is a good thing, but there remains a goal throughout. Still, it's a constant battle to ensure those differing voices have no effect. 


I think authors would be wise to print off your last paragraph, frame it, and hang it in their writing space. And I'm pleased to hear you are getting back to a story you so obviously care about. Cheers... Gary....


Thank you for your  response, Gary.


I always try to stay true to where my story is supposed to go, but it's not always easy. I think, with very few exceptions, I will no longer post until a story is complete. Especially since I've had such a hard time writing lately. I've always posted as I went (with the exception of in Premium), because it helps me keep motivated to write. But there are those instances when not even that helps.

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Renee Stevens


On 8/5/2017 at 10:30 AM, Mikiesboy said:

Great article, renee!   I do not post until my story is complete. I write my story, always have. I love comments and discussion but the story is what it is. I read that way too. I want to see what will happen the character, good, bad or ugly. That's why i'm reading!!  It's not my story, it's not my life. its that character's ...  


Thanks for sharing this.  The other reason i only post when done, is because frankly anything else, in my opinion, is unfair to people who follow your story. You have a delay, or cant meet the deadline, readers are waiting and disappointed.  I read to many unfinished works and swore to myself I'd never do that. That's how i feel. and ultimately it is up to the author. 




Thank you, tim!  I definitely think I need to not post any longer until a story is complete. The comments and discussion used to help motivate me to keep posting, but as Forging Trust shows, it doesn't always work. I feel bad for those who started reading it and have waited for so long for me to get somewhere with it. It won't go back up until it's 100% complete and ready to post, and then I'll simply schedule all the chapters to post when they need to. That's also why I unpublished it, so that no one else will read it and have to wait until I get more done on it.

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2 minutes ago, Renee Stevens said:


Thank you for your  response, Gary.


I always try to stay true to where my story is supposed to go, but it's not always easy. I think, with very few exceptions, I will no longer post until a story is complete. Especially since I've had such a hard time writing lately. I've always posted as I went (with the exception of in Premium), because it helps me keep motivated to write. But there are those instances when not even that helps.

That is the better way. I didn't do that with my first story. I posted the first chapter as soon as I wrote it, and did that all the way through. But I haven't done that with any since. I always get at least a little bit ahead, and with Morningstar I was over 20 (I think 24) chapters ahead, and certain I could pull it off, before I started posting. Now I'm back to finishing CotT and posting as I write... don't really like it :no:. I hope you've turned the corner with regards to your motivation, but I've heard it said again and again. We shouldn't put too much pressure on ourselves, and I agree. Sometimes we need a break to look after other stuff that crops up in our life.:hug: 

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William King


"...they make me wonder if it would be better to just fade into the background and whether anyone would even care or notice. The answer to that when I'm in the midst of a depression episode is no, but that's okay." That same thought occurs to me and like you I try to deal with it.


I post stories which usually, though not complete, have a good few chapters written and I know mostly where things are going. I don't think, can't remember, having received comments that would influence the story. What does happen to me, which I don't think anyone has mentioned here, is that I get anxiety attacks after reading comments. That is because someone will say something like, "I hope he will be okay," and having written the story, I know he won't exactly be okay, so I worry a lot about what that reader will think when he or she reads the next chapter or the one after that. I even say to myself 'omg, should I have written that,' but as it's too late to change - even if I wanted to - I just worry. That is my writer's insecurity.


I do also publish as I write, chapter by chapter, I currently have a story like that on hold. I do that because it's fun, and why shouldn't the author have some fun writing. What I did do though, knowing I might not publish regularly, is warn the reader. I said that I am publishing as and when with no real schedule so - it is then for the reader to decide. But as each chapter is sort of entertaining in itself, you can read it and, I suppose wait, for the next instalment.



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It really is a trap! Somehow I never saw it like that but you're absolutely right! I doubted my writing when I got almost no response to a story I was really proud of. And I seem to have a knack of producing 'how could you's. I'm trying to ignore them now, or even provoke them on purpose. A good exercise to stay true to my story, although...I tend to write with only a general idea and see where it goes, which makes it easy to fall.

Anyway, now I know how to call it and step around 'the trap'.

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Renee Stevens


On 8/5/2017 at 0:25 PM, Puppilull said:

I've received a few of those "How could you?". At first, they made me nervous, but only a little. I trust my knowledge of my characters to let them guide me. 


Then I can freely admit to letting readers influence me. A good idea is a good idea. I have my darling muse who never fails to kick my brain in gear with his input. Then others who give me insight and add to the story. I've found a way that works for me. I still feel they are my stories.

I do agree that sometimes a good idea is a good idea, but other times it completely derails the entire rest of the book. Sometimes, like with Forging Trust, to go where the readers wanted it to go, it would have made entire parts of the earlier chapters not make sense.

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Renee Stevens


On 8/6/2017 at 10:41 AM, Daddydavek said:

The 'trap'....been there and had it happen to me.  Fortunately, I was able to work my way through it with only a minor disruption to my posting Able III.  I think it is a pitfall that can happen to anyone who is posting while still writing the story instead of waiting until you have it all finished.  Thanks for articulating the problem so clearly and in a way that explains what can happen to the writing process.

Thank you for commenting DDK. And yes, this is why, except in certain circumstances, I will no longer post a serial story unless it is complete. It completely derailed Forging Trust and it's taken me 5 years to really get back into it.

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