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Starting the New Chapter in Life



Well.  Here I am.  I've finished off my two weeks at my last job.  Saying goodbye to the great people I worked with was hard.  I did that on Friday.  I finished packing and moving Saturday.  (and did 13,600 steps before taking off the Fitbit...).  Sunday was Easter with the family and now I'm looking at the giant pile of boxes and furniture and trying to figure out how all that stuff fit in my old place and will fit here at home.

I've known this was coming for awhile, of course.  I built my mancave last year.  It will serve as my entertainment and fun room.  One of my computers is in here so that I can enjoy writing and what not.  I'll do some site work in here as well.  My main computer is set up in the Family room, which was the other renovation we did in the last 3 years.  We converted a covered porch into the family room.  It's all windows.  Perfect place to work most of the day until the sun swings around and then you have to close some of the blinds or get blinded by the sun (on those rare occasions the snow stops and the gray clears).

I'm in the mancave at the moment taking a break from moving things.  I'm hoping by the end of the week, that things settle down and I can start work on my new normal.  The new job starts next Monday.  I figure by May, I'll get my routine all settled again and instead of so many trips on weekends, they'll be more open to doing site stuff and getting into a regular writing routine.

I'll be on at weird times this week as I pop on and off between sorting and organizing my disaster.

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Happy to see the move was a success. Pace yourself. There will be order and a sense of being settled eventually. Just remember to breathe. 

Change is never easy. However, it can prove to be just what we need. Wishing you all the best on this new chapter.

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  • Site Administrator

Congratulations on completing the move.  You must be relieved to have it finally over with, even if there are still boxes to unpack.  FYI... I've been in my house ten years now and still have boxes I haven't unpacked.  :unsure:  I admire you for having the courage to make such a big change.  It's not easy leaving your comfort zone, even knowing the change is for the better.  Best of luck and I'm looking forward to reading some new stuff from you :D 

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