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What to Expect from Me and My Stories

What does one do when she is unable to sleep because Insomnia and Midnight Zoomies via ESA cats? 

Why come on this lovely site and update you guys as to what is going to go down with my stories and what you can expect in the future! That's what. 

A little history: I lost everything that I was writing, editing and posting at the time (mostly fanfiction but also every single original WIP that I had) about 4 years ago. My flashdrive reformatted. Twice. I was lucky in the way that I was able to get a good chunk of information back and that I use GDocs at the time. I was very lucky in a couple cases that my beta (who I still have, she is wonderful) had some of my stories still in her own inbox. 

But I still lost soooo much. Such as the full file of A Butterfly's Dream and Crimson Shadows. Lucky for me, I had already posted every chapter that I had written was readily available on Y!Gallery (before some jerk destroyed it, it is now being rebuilt). This includes most of my stories.

What it does not include is the rest of the story that I was co-writing with the lovely Morena Darkling. They passed a while ago. They are...gone. And I don't have the rest of our story. And I couldn't even look at it right now to post because it still hurts. Even after all of these years. If you look at it on my page right now, you will notice a new note on the summary that states that they are gone and that the current status is Author Deceased. 

It still hurts. 

Okay, not that is over with. Let me go through the stories that are on hold right now and what is going down with them. One story at a time. This might get a little long. 

Bits and Pieces: I'm actually going back and tweaking a few things in all of the Bits and Pieces. There was some fuss with another site when they had to transfer from one server to another so my files are currently messy with symbols, so I figured I'd might as well do some light shining of the stories. This does include these. Now that I remember that I have them...

Fangs and Claws: Another story that I was working on with my lovely Kev (known as sweetseme at one time), but has since been lost. Enjoy what is here.

Crimson Shadows: I did finish this story! But, I am also rewriting this story in full. Why am I rewriting this? Because when I wrote it, I tried to write two books into one. 

That didn't work so now I'm expanding on it. Crimson Shadows in the future will cover chapters 1 to 7, but more fleshed out. The squeal will be Dripping Roses and cover chapters 8 to 21 and expanded into it's own story. 

A Conversation with My Muse: Yeah, remember when I said I lost my files? I meant it. I don't have this at all. In any form fashion or way. 

A Butterfly's Dream: I...kind of got blocked on where I wanted to go with this story. It started to take a turn that the original chapters just didn't fit. So I'm going to scrap it and restart the entire series. 

I will be posting the chapters that I did get done, once I do some light sprucing up on them. But it's not my main focus right now.

Now, for the stories that are my main focus. 

Books and Roses: This story was a request from my beta a while ago. About four years ago. I am in the process of expanding and rewriting the entire thing. This is going to take time but I hope to have it done before December. I hope. Genre: Romance

11 Paranormal/Supernatural/Spooky/Dark/Ect stories for the Month of Halloween: This is just as it says on the tin guys. It's 11 stories that I will be posting during the month of October. I am currently rewriting and editing story 7 and each one will have their own warnings at the time. In nice bright Bold even. Each story is set in a story world and were me getting to know my worlds even more. Genre: Horror/Supernatural/Paranormal

Bad Dog: Currently the original first chapters are being rewritten and expanded out, the details spread a bit more. There was an info dumping situation that wouldn't let me move forward on it but I'm fixing that now and figuring out more chapters. This is the first story in a series so I'm hoping it's well received when I post it. Genre: Comedy-horror

All You Need: This kind of a futuristic romance fic. Originally 5 chapters but I'm pretty much rewriting it from scratch to build the world and the romance in a proper way. Not high on my list right now but something I poke at randomly.

Random Horror Romance: This is pretty much me flipping a bird during the CockyGate thing that happened hard in Romanciland. It was not pretty let's just say that. But one of my favorite authors (who I found because of this) wrote a story called His Cocky Valet (now with sequel called His Cocky Cellist) as a middle finger wishfulfilment story. I love it and I love his seriously long series (We're talking episodic kind of story, and we just got done with season one). His name is Cold McCade and I love his stuff. But this was me doing it because he told me I should.

So I am. 

I think that is all for the moment, so please be on the look out for new stories (most of which are from the last couple of years for the moment). 

If you have questions or comments, feel free to DM me or just comment below. I'll answer when I see it. :D

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