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Q&A Blog Feature 2

As Eminem would say: "guess who's back with a brand new rap?"


I'm just being a dork.  Anyways I decided to upload my poetry in one big bunch for everyone as opposed to something like one poem per page cause... I don't know, I just wanted them all out for you guys to read in one go.  Haven't had feedback yet but I'm fairly proud of them.

That doesn't matter!  I'm here to continue Renee Stevens' pinned post in the lounge, but continuing with the poet questions.  Cause as you can see, I am now also a poet. Though I hope the thing in my profile sticker will change back to 'author' when Ceramic Flowers drops soon.  Without further ado...the questions!


What do you find is the most difficult part about writing poetry?

Hmm good question.  If I think about it... my neurosis when it comes to wanting to release a bunch in one go. No longer just one at a time.  It means I can feel impatient with finishing a set and sometimes gotta dig to find more inspiration. But apart from that I don't find it too hard.  I come up with a concept, and just to include as many free-verse rhymes throughout I go to websites like Rhymezone or Thesauruses to find more alternate words. Would you consider that "cheating"? I dunno man, I like my poems to be as pleasing to the tongue and ears as possible, like when cooking something.  Sometimes in my poems every single word is rhyming with something.

What inspires you to write poetry?

I discovered that... I think I'm good at it.  And I can write about spirituality and my life experiences.  Poetry can also be myseterious and ominous, like my fiction, so I enjoy that too.  Love and spirituality inspire me the most.

Many of you know the poetry teachings of AC_Benus, what is your favourite type of poem to write from those teaching?

No I don't know who that is. But it may be worth a look.  I have written two limericks recently, so I can combine them into a typical ten line poem.  Hmmm.  Sometimes I like to do different things with my poems, have a bunch of short lines or alternating line lengths, but mostly I just make it all rhyme as much as I can, like a big mess of pleasantry.  Many would consider it over-the-top but I'm open to criticism in all regards, as well as trying new things and writing differently.

Also, I love throwing in lines that are nods to other famous poets or writers, like Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe.  I think when I do that the lines are so well-known that there's no need to say it's from someone else, and that's the point.

Has your idea of poetry changed since you began writing poetry?

Yes.  I feel it is more creative and open than I first thought. I can do different types of rhyming techniques, though usually my stuff is jumbled enough to pretty much be considered free-verse a lot of the time.  Typically the last words in the lines rhyme, but so do several words throughout, making it more like a rap 🤔


I'll probs answer the reader questions later as well.  Peace out ✌️

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