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Anthology Entry Revisited: Mates Come First

Renee Stevens


Upcoming Anthology
Due: April 1, 2021

Top Themes
On the Road

Pot Luck Themes

But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls

Boys of the Hills     -     You Wouldn’t Understand     -     On the Beach     -     Great Balls of Fire     -     Laughter, the Best Medicine

Ozark Rumors     -     The Tracks     -     National Park     -     The Warmest Color     -     A Visitation     -     New Moon

Turn Back Time     -     Chiaroscuro     -     Jump Ship     -     King of Eighteen     -     Up!

There's your list of themes!  You can check out the full list of rules and guidelines in the anthology forum, but take a look at this entry from last year!

Mates Come First

Author: @Caz Pedroso
Theme: The Storm

Eighteen year old Owen has escaped the bullies from his home coven and started a new life in Teonards. He never want to have anything to do with his old coven ever again.

The coven have been looking for Owen since he was discovered missing. Mica is in Teonards on a supply run and decides to ask around while he's there.

When the two meet fireworks and revelations are abound. 

Can minds be changed?


Reader Comments:

aditus: I enjoyed the story very much. It was very entertaining, I couldn't stop until I finished the last chapter.

Headstall: Very enjoyable story, Caz. Well done! Cheers.

Smoothy: O Caz, I soooo love your stories!! 💕💕. One can always relate to something in the content. Thank you 🤗🤗🤗

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