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My Daily Bread Crumbs 02 Sep



September 02nd - Holidays and Observances

(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day or week for details)

Calendar Adjustment Day


Fun Observances

Bison Ten Yell Day

On September 2 celebrate the 200th anniversary of any imaginary character of your choosing because it is Bison-Ten-Yell Day.


Don't get it? It has nothing to do with bisons except for the name. Read Bison-Ten-Yell Day out fast and it sounds like bicentennial day. The origins of this unofficial day are unknown.

How to Celebrate?

  • If you need an excuse for a celebration, today is it. Make up a character or happy event and celebrate its bicentennial on this day. You could even make up a story around the character and have a contest among your guests - whoever comes up with the best and the most historically correct story will win!
  • Since the day has bison in its name, what about spending some time to learn about bisons and their environment?

Did You Know…

…that despite their size, bisons can run very fast? They can gain speeds up to 65 km/h (40 mph).




My wife was checking her emails and told me her password was “mickeyminniebatmanrobintomjerryLondon”.

I asked her why it needed to be so long.

“Because,” she replied, “I was told it had to have at least six characters and one capital.”




I often wonder about people who live in tropical destinations.

What do their screen savers look like?




A guy in a van pulls up next to a Rolls-Royce at a red light and asks, “Hey, is your car Bluetooth enabled?” The Rolls owner nods.

“So is mine. Got Wi-Fi?” The Rolls owner nods again. “Me too. What about a double bed?”

“No. Do you?” asks the Rolls guy.

“Yep.” The light changes and the van takes off.

Jealous, the Rolls guy heads to a Pimp My Rolls customising shop and gets a double bed installed, then drives around until he finds the van parked on the side of the road. He raps on the window. “Guess what? I got a double bed put in my car too.”

The van owner peers out. “You got me out of the shower to tell me that?!”

















Just for your interest. These are some their notable descendants:

Hillary Clinton

Angelina Jolie


Bernie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion (Hall of Fame ice hockey player)





































sandrewn :cowboy:

  • Haha 4


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