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CSR Discussion Day: Dragonborne by Xfighter1984



Welcome back to this first CSR feature of the 2022! I couldn't help but start off with a bit of magic and one of my favorite fantasy creatures, dragons! What did you think of Xfighter1984's story, Dragonborne? Share your thoughts in the comments below, but first enjoy this interview where he shares a few insights about him and teases about more! 

Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?

Fruits more than veggies

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla, but really strawberry if I can find it

If you were an animal, what would you be?

Shark (Great White)

What’s something personal about you people might be surprised to know?

I am a total nerd at heart (plastic models, games, anime, books)

What brought you to GA?

Years and years ago a story caught my interest and the entire collection was on GA, I never left

What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story?


When did you first gain interest in Arthurian fiction?

Reading and anime(Code Geass used a lot of Arthurian references)

Why dragons versus knights in this tale?

Dragons have always been my favorite ‘mythical’ creature but they are usually depicted as the ‘villain’ and the knights the always the hero, I like the conflict being a little bit greyer.

Do you have a favorite line or scene in Dragonborne?

I do, Levi’s first time transforming into his true dragon state! The events leading up to and after were a joy to write

Can you share anything about your current or upcoming fiction with readers?

Levi and the gang(Dragonborne) are on a bit of a break until I get further into “A Slice of Life” as I am really flowing with that one at the moment and is updated weekly, but they will be back in grand fashion and I planned on at least three books for the “Fire and Shadows” series.

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