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Saturday night ramblings

The preparations for my move are coming along pretty well. I've managed to pitch some more junk and trash (since I'm such a pack rat), done some cleaning, and tomorrow I'll box up some books to take to the post office on Monday. I'll be sending them via sea, since it's a lot cheaper, and if I send them, they might even be waiting for me when I get home in July. Less than three months left to go now ...


The mosquitoes are still invading full-force, as vicious as ever. I swear, they must be specially bred or something ... maybe genetically mutated from the pollution here or nuclear waste. They're wicked and relentless, and no amount of mosquito repelling incense seems to keep them at bay. My legs are totally covered with mosquito bites, and it's driving me insane! :devil:


Chapter 10 of SOOTB has now been posted, and I was pretty pleased with how this chapter turned out, even though it went from intense feelings of joy to intense feelings of sadness at the end. But it provides a good lead in to Chapter 11 (which Kitty has already completed the first edit of). She's also started working on Chapter 12 and has "ordered" me to release the next two chapters closely together, so everyone who's been enjoying the story can look forward to that in about a week or so.


I want to say a few words about Kitty. Over the past couple of months that we've been working together, I've gotten to know her as not only an editor, but a friend as well. And it's both an honor and a privilege to be able to call her that, my "friend." Not only does she give me excellent advice (and encouragement) on my writing, but also about various problems, situations, or decisions I've had to deal with in my life. She's proven to be a very wise and thoughtful person, and I always, always take her advice to heart. And without even knowing me in real life, or how my mind/personality works, she knows just how to say things in such a way that makes me listen. Being a Buddhist, I don't believe in "coincidence," and I feel that Kitty and I got together for a reason, and that has been for her to teach me. And I am very grateful for that.


I get most of the credit for the stories, but Kitty deserves as much credit as I do. It's a team effort, and the stories wouldn't be nearly as good without her input, and I probably wouldn't be as confident as I am about making such large, life-altering decisions without the support and input she has given me. I can't think of anyway to repay her for everything she's done. So, Kitty, if you read this blog entry, all I can say to you is a big "THANK YOU." You have no idea how much you have done for me and inspired me, and not just in the editing of my stories. You're a phenomenal person, and an example of the kind of person I hope to be one day. :worship:


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mosqitoes really do suck.. i attract them in the summer time and i cant stop itching them ethier even tho its bad :P


someday out the blue is coming out greattt with both you and kittys work the teamwork is really making the story come out great i <3 itt!! keep up the good work guys

nd buddha buy some bug off :P





Moving is always fun :devil: . SOOBT is a roller coaster of emotions I enjoy that.

It's fun to chat with u and your opinions on life.


Thanks Kitty for helping David.



Hey David :)


I'm glad preparations for your move are going along nicely. Moving sucks, and yours is such a BIG move that it's got to be an even worse headache, best of luck to you :)


Mosquitoes really are dreadful. If you can help it try not to scratch or anything. I find that if I get bitten and just ignore it, it doesn't leave a mark.


I can't wait to read the next couple of chapters of SOOTB! You and Kitty are definitely doing an excellent job!


Also I agree with you about Kitty, she really is a teriffic and amazing person :2thumbs: I'm glad she's been able to help you (and all of us). I hope we can repay her kindness someday :)


Have an awesome week, David, and take care :D



Guest Kitty


Thanks, guys. :*)


The teaching goes both ways, though. As a matter of fact, everyday I learn something from what one person or another here does or says. (And I mean that in a very good way.)


Also, it's a heck of a lot easier to edit what someone else has written than to come up with it from scratch yourself, let me tell you :D . One of the challenges in editing is to make the writing clean and clear, while honoring the writer's style and voice (and not substituting my own.) The people I've edited for have been so different, in terms of personality as well as how they write, so it's been really fascinating and fun.


As I already mentioned to David, SOOTB is turning out to be a special story. I know it's affecting me at some pretty deep levels, and judging from what other people are saying, I'm not the only one.


Kitty :hug:

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