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Technical Difficulties



Speaking as a tekkie, there are times when you have a huge charlie-foxtrot on your hands and there's nothing you can do about it. A tiny little resistor, capacitor or transistor decided to commit suicide and takes your system with him. It's totally NOT your fault, but you are the TEKKIE on the spot and take the heat for it anyway.

Having been there and done that, I suggest 1) have a thick skin and 2) a sense of humor.

Murphy will visit you. It's going to take you x amount of time to figure out what's wrong and fix it. Depending on how fast you can perform that x will make you anything from a Tekkie Super-hero to that guy running from an angry mob with torches.

Laugh about it. Take the joke. There's nothing for it but to embrace the suck.

You really win when you can make your victims... opps, I mean customers laugh, you might survive.

This guy's Technical Difficulties screensaver is the right idea.


  • Haha 2


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