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Childhood Prompts



Things that happen in childhood can affect us throughout life, whether minor or profound, positive or negative.  Sometimes these things can cause issues later in life, especially if they've been repressed.  Or maybe they manifest as quirky habits.  In my family, we don't say "cheeeeessseeee" when we have our pictures taken; we say "fuzzy pickle".  Don't ask me how or why that started, but it's something we still do.  I'm almost obsessive about being on time.  My grandma insisted on being twenty minutes early to everything.  I'm not quite that bad, but I had a friend once joke that if I said I was going to be there at a certain time, she could look out the window at that exact time and I would be in the driveway without fail.  I also have some quirks that are born out of childhood trauma, but I won't go into detail about those.  I'll just say that my reactions to certain things are sometimes misconstrued, and it's caused me issues at times.  Childhood incidents can be a great way to flesh out our characters' personalities and give them some unique quirks.  So, let's go back in time and do some exploring.  

PT Prompt #237

Your character has a unique way of celebrating special occasions.  What is it and how did it start? 

PT Prompt #238

Create a character whose quirks are affecting their relationship with their partner.  What is the quirk?  How is it affecting the relationship?  What is the origin of the quirk?  


Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would like to search for specific prompts. Also, please remember that stories less than one thousand words must be posted as part of a collection.

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@Valkyrie As far as your comment about your Grandmother insisted on being 20 minutes early, I grew up always hearing the phrase, 'If you're not early, you're late."  So, to make sure you were early, you allowed plenty of leeway time, in case of unforeseen problems. 

As far as prompt #238, those quirks could range from juvenile, out of fear, due to past experiences, or just plain kinky.  I can't wait to read some of those prompts.  lol  :2thumbs: 

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