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ultracrepidarian - Word of the Day - Mon Jul 8, 2024




ultracrepidarian - (noun) - a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of their expertise

bossy beach club GIF by MTV’s Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club


He was considered an ultracrepidarian for his unsolicited advice on subjects he knew little about such as dating women.


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Another way of saying the same thing appeared in Matthew 7: 1 (King James Version).  "Judge not, that ye be not judged."  

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I think I need a Latin scholar. I looked up "A cobbler should stick to his last" in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable where it is referenced back to a quote from Pliny (23-79 AD) Ne supra crepidam sutor judicaret  which Google translates as "that the tailor should not judge above the cleft" leaving me wondering how 'tailor' became 'cobbler'.

I then put re supra crepidam sudor ludicaret into Google translate and it came up with "he would play with sweat above the crevice". I then noticed that only three letters are different between the two Latin phrases and that could explain this strange translation.

I'm still confused about the 'tailor' being in the translation. :) Help!

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Talk radio runs on the angst of its ultracrepidarian hosts and audiences.

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Posted (edited)


1 hour ago, JamesSavik said:

Talk radio runs on the angst of its ultracrepidarian hosts and audiences.

My first thought after reading the above was, 'TALKING HEADS!', and the mindless sheep who listen to them.

Interestingly enough, but not surprisingly, while looking up any & or/all definitions of, 'TALKING HEADS', I finally came across this bit of wisdom.

What does "talking head" mean in slang?  A person whose talk is empty and pretentious.


Enough said,


Edited by sandrewn
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