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Luc's Dementia

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OMG Luc, when I read that, it reminds me sooooo much of 'discussions' that my Ex and I had. Unfortunately, Bill plays the part of you and I play the part of Scott.


Me to my mom:


Actually I was going to point out that Scott was listening too. He might have been interrupting, but it was with something somewhat related to what you were saying.


I can definitely see how being interrupted would bother you, but don't feel like it's you everyone everywhere is a potential interrupter and interruptee. Online you don't actually get cut off mid sentence, but think of all the times you were telling someone something or trying to stay on a specific topic and the other person typed and entered something else before you had a chance to say the next thing you wanted to say. It's also a little easier to hold back online, because if you start to interrupt and type something out the nature of the communication is such that you have more time to say, "wait a minute let him finish" and erase it (or copy it to be pasted and said at a later time...something I often do because I have a very slim chance of being able to recall what I wanted to say at a later point in time unless it's saved somewhere for me).


It's often been said that most conversations are just two (or more) people waiting for their own chance to speak. That's why really good conversations are so much fun! But even two people who CAN have deep, interactive conversations are still liable to be susceptible to the occasionaly interrupting, waiting for my own turn to talk type of conversations.


A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with my aunt when my cousin must have suddenly noticed my shoes and cut her off with the completely unrelated interjection of:

"I like your shoes. Where'd you get them? are they "X" brand?"

My aunt turned and glared at her and said, "I was talking" then continued where she'd left off. I was thinking, "my cousin really shouldn't have interrupted like that", "My aunt was rather rude to her with that rebuke", and most significantly I was also thinking, "You know I'd really rather be talking about my shoes." :boy:


Anyway I'm not necessarily trying to defend Scott OR you. I can see where you're both coming from and I really think the majority of people frequently find themselves in both roles. That's why the pretend conversations we have with people in our heads never go exactly according to plan...the other person goes and thinks of something else to say instead of sticking to the response we've already scipted for them.


I am really sorry if it's putting a strain on your relationship though :( . I'm also really sorry it made you feel bad :hug: . Anyway you're NOT just a piece of ass that can cook; you're a terrific, amazing, sweet person and don't let anyone (especially yourself) convince you otherwise!



Masked Monkey


wow :wub: people actually talk about me offline. It feels weird to think that I have an actual existance outside of this electronic crap for someone. At first, I thought "wow! I might get some advice" then I went to "Wow, Luc sounds like my wife more and more each day" and ended with "Wow, the only reason I tune out my wife is that she never STOPS talking"


I won't give you any advice because I am not too strong in the fixing a crappy relationship department.


I disagree with those who say "but he was trying to join the conversation" ... if he was trying to join and show interest, he would not have changed the direction of the discussion before it even started. He would have asked something specific about what you were talking about, or something about the breed, not brought up a totally different situation. On the other hand, if that is the way he enteres conversations, deal with it and go on with what you are saying. Treat it like a fart in an elevator.


oh, wait, that was advice... I'm done now


:king: Snow Dog



:hugs: you should always feel important babes because you are and you and Scott will sort this out I think both of you just got carried away and need to just let it go, I think aybe at times he is insensitive to you when he knows your issues with things like talking but maybe he was just trying to join the convo, not sure but I know he loves you and you are much mor ethan a piece of ass that cooks to him and he may not always show it or you may not always be able to see it but doesn't mean he loves you any less, i think people like scott perhaps don't care if someone did that to him so they don't see it as a problem but he should know why you react like you did :hug: hope you both sort it out.





So it is actually ok to interrupt a conversation like that? Because he used the word

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