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Just to clarify so I don't have to answer this over and over, yes - I have a boyfriend. :)


And no, it's not Michael. His name is Zac :)



(Who isn't going to answer anything else 0:) )


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wow, my eyes are tired from reading your long blog entry :lol:


Congrats Joe, I'm glad your smiling.


Have fun,




P.S. - When does Zac become a GA member (if he isn't already one), cause I have a few questions :lol:

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Guest OneTime



Nice to see a happy post again! Tell Zac to keep it up.

Er, uh, ya.

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Can I have his email address, I have a few pics to send him :P


:king: Snow Dog


:whistle: But do ask for pics in return! 0:)



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Thanks everyone :)


Can I have his email address, I have a few pics to send him :P


:king: Snow Dog


And no. You can't have it :P He'll end up seeing those pictures anyways when I show him :D


If you're lucky, he may pop in the chatroom for a bit though. Jeff and Viv already got to meet him :)




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Yup, I know ALL the answers:


1) 6'2"


2) 7.5"


3) 14, depending on your definition


4) Cool whip, but it was on a dare.


5) Meatloaf


You all have to fill in the questions, though.


:: giggle ::



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How tall is he?

1) 6'2"


What's his shoe size?

2) 7.5"


How long was the first kiss?

3) 14, depending on your definition


hmmm, dunno the question for this

4) Cool whip, but it was on a dare.


I better don't ask this one

5) Meatloaf

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