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Luc's Dementia

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NOT kitten pics this time

I've made some changes to my website. *laughs* Yeah, "I" have. Rob (RHawes16) has actually done the work--I just drooled mindlessly at him and gestured to some Word documents and hoped he could do something with them. Thankfully, HE has a clue.


I've added a lot of my poetry. I guess I have written a fair amount of it over the years. I didn't include ALL I have written. Trust me, some of it is best left to be read only by those who love me--and can lie beautifully to me about how wonderful my words always are. But really, most of it is there now.


I grouped it by subject, which was hard to do. But I think I managed ok.


This week's "emotional theme" for me is definitely The Pain of Love. What amazes me is how things I have written in the past seem to keep coming back to fit the drama of the day. "Always, Forever, Never" pretty much sums up how I am feeling right now.


Anyway, I guess when I die I'd like to be remembered as a poet. *laughs hysterically* Snowball's chance in hell of that. But maybe "someone who sometimes wrote something remotely resembling poetry" would be ok.


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