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So yesterday I was going to class and in front of the building stood two crazies. One had tied a cross to himself from which hung a sign. One side said "Turn or burn" the other said something to the effect of "Jesus: your savior or judge?" Perhaps I'm mistaken but it appears that last one is a bit contradictory and the former rather counterproductive. Regardless, their rantings, ravings, and random insults to passing students was quite amusing - as were the cops who showed up when they were drawing a crowd.


Especially amusing parts:


+Christian students telling him he was an embarrassment and his subsequent raving

+One of them put on a sign and looked at one of the students and just started talking to them... "Hello, how are you, my name is ----. How are you today. You have poor manners. You should work on your personality because your's sucks"


I went on to class, dropped off my stuff, came back and watched. Definitely worth it.


In other news... my first exam I got a 30/30 on... which means I'm guaranteed about 40% of my grade for the class now. Whats left is the second exam and a research paper, each also worth 30 points each.


My second exam I got a 79.5 on... which came out to a B+ by his grading scale. There are a few people who need to be on their knees for the professor in that class. The exam was out of 100 points... someone got a 35... for which they received a C. I'll say that again... a 35% got this person a C. Wow. I can see curving grades a bit but this guy was basically given credit for 40% more knowledge than he had.


I won't know the grade on my third exam for a couple weeks yet, and my fourth doesn't take place until the coming Tuesday. My American Foreign Policy professor is a douchebag. He gave us a huge exam review, but fifty five of the questions on the exam will have nothing at all to do with it. In addition to those questions are 16 matching and two essays. All of this he expects us to finish in about 75 minutes. The essays alone will probably take that long. Mind you now, the time limit is not because the class has to leave after that time... its a three hour class. What-an-ass.





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