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Campaign/Political Carreer and how I would deal with inevitable slander

As for the decision to run... I'd probably do what I'm sure plenty of politicians do and get the family together, talk with them about it, and after hearing their concerns make the decision from there. I think the only person who would hold an absolute veto in my mind is my boyfriend... maybe our son as well, but I would stilll want input from everyone.


As noble as it might sound to refuse to even acknowledge the inevitable slander... I know me well enough to know that I couldn't go on day after day and year after year pretending it wasn't there. At the same time I know my sexuality should be among the least important issues in this hypothetical campaign/career. I think I'd give them a week, maybe two to work their malice, keeping track of every accusation and form a response to counter it. My response would come in one short commercial-length video/sound clip wherein I denounce the deplorable tactics and give a brief explanation of reality, and another half-hour to an hour interview explaining in detail those parts of my life I feel comfortable disclosing... maybe another, unstructured interview where the interviewer is given freedom to ask any question he or she pleases, and from that point forward focus only on the issues that should be important. With the commercial length clip there to remind people that the fundies are lying slanderous bastards and the two interviews to explain that in depth, I don't think doing any more with the subject would be to my gain.


An afterthought... The commercial-length clip, the two interviews, and a running track of the slander and my response to it could also be kept on a website so that as new slander comes out it could be responded to without major public appearances to give their slander more attention.


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