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Goodbye to One of Histories Biggest Assholes

Jerry Falwell, right-wing hatemonger and religious fanatic, was found unconscious in the office from which he oversees the Culture War at Liberty University today. He died a short time later.


Falwell first came to prominence in the late 1970s when he lead a motley coalition of religious nuts, skinheads, neo-Nazis and slack-jawed yokels called the Moral Majority which handed Ronald "Bonzo" Reagen and George Herbert Skippy Walker Bush the 1980 elections and an unprecedented dynasty of political corruption, ineptitude, bungling that still afflicts us today.


During the Reagen-Bush years, Falwell's influence was all over the administration. Falwell influenced foreign policy by demanding blind allegiance to Israel at all cost because of scripture. Falwell's "moral leadership" was behind the Reagen Administrations complete failure to contain the AIDS epidemic in its early stages. In fact Ronald Reagen did not publicly say the word AIDS until 1988: a full eight years and hundreds of thousands of deaths into the epidemic. Even today Falwell's organizations fight safe-sex, contraception and even vaccination of teen-aged girls against common infections that cause cancer and sterility.


Now almost thirty years and 20 million deaths later, Falwell is destined for a special part of hell reserved for persons responsible for millions of deaths. He will roast side by side with some of histories biggest assholes like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao.


Good bye and good riddance too bad rubbish. Too bad this turd wasn't flushed years ago!


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Coming Undone


Count me in on that one!!!!!!


Hi Big Guy


Eric :devil:

old bob



just read the blog "the sickness" from NickolasJames8 and the 50 comments on it !

USA is a fine nation, all opinions are good enough to brought in a blog :worship:

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