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I just realized its been like 8 weeks since i last updated this and my have things changed for me!


I've moved house and started a new job in that short period of time.


The new job is a project manager for my company building new stores, its proving to be a lot of work but i'm enjoying it loads so it's totally been worth it.

The house move came about because of the job, Chris is still staying in our old place but he'll be moving here with me next weekend :D


Here's a picture of the view from our front door...



Its pretty nice here :D


Anyway I need to go get ready cause i'm off out sailing for the first time..... :blink:

1 Comment

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Davey!!!!! :hug:


I've really missed you!


WOW! It does sound like you've been busy! A new house? COOL! How do you like it so far? Do you like the new town and neighbours etc?


That's so awesome about the new job too! That sounds like a really cool thing to be doing! You won't have to move every time you guys open a new location though will you?


I bet you're looking forward to Chris coming to join you!


Take care and have an awesome day!


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