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I stink!

C James


The title is quite literal... I really stink right now.


Earlier this evening, I went outside to get something out of my SUV, and it was dark. That's fairly normal at night, so they say. :)


As I opened the rear hatch, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye, between the rear of the SUV and the corner of my house, just a couple of feet away. All I could see was a flash of white.


Then the smell hit... Ugh... I quickly figured out that what I'd seen was a skunk. It got me, not too heavily, on my side, and I'm just glad I didn't get any in my eyes.


I ditched the clothes which helped, and grabbed a gallon bottle of vinegar and poured it into the bath, and soaked a while, then rinsed with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, and then some dishwasher detergent. These helped a lot, but I still stink a little... Ugh... Mangy polecat...


Lucky for me, my clothes got most of it (I was wearing jeans and a jacket). Those are outside, and might be a total loss. I sure as heck ain't bringing 'em inside to wash.


I've been sprayed once before (also from startling a skunk accidentally when I'd inadvertently cornered it) and that time was worse. This seems to be a light dose, but I can't get rid of all the oder (going by past experience, I'll stink for a few days)




CJ, who stinketh....

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Yes, it's high time! The skunk must have suffered from your evil cliffhangers too. And he decided to give you a dose of his medicine! haha!


Read this to understand what's going in the whole world (read mine!)




Take care,





ive been sprayed b4 wen i was younger >.<

not very good

i dont remember what my mom made me soak in but it was gross

sry you got skunkafied :D




Aww... those little stinkers are everywhere here in Kentucky.. lol. I know my dogs have been sprayed a few times and such.. shew. it does take a long time for the smell of skunk to leave a person though.





He also serves who only stands and stinks. :P



:lmao: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!


We don't have them over this side of the pond ... luckily!


Never fear, you'll get used to the pong, soon!





Why would a skunk spray a goat? :o


You must have startled him. Otherwise he would save the skunk venom for a more menacing target.


Besides: what are you doing around politicians anyway? :huh:

  • Site Administrator


Note to self: Keep a low profile while in the USA and let other people take the lead when going somewhere new...

C James


Yes, it's high time! The skunk must have suffered from your evil cliffhangers too. And he decided to give you a dose of his medicine! haha!


Read this to understand what's going in the whole world (read mine!)




Take care,




Ishewar, I hadn't seen the writing prompt, but I'll give it a try... And that brightened my (otherwise smelly) day, thank you!!! (I'll go try my hand at the prompt and comment sometime tonight)


But, what? Cliffhangers? Surely not I! I never use cliffhangers... 0:)



ive been sprayed b4 wen i was younger >.<

not very good

i dont remember what my mom made me soak in but it was gross

sry you got skunkafied :D


Thank Coley!

I soaked in darn near everything, yesterday and today. Smelling like a skunk sure gets old fast. LoL


Aww... those little stinkers are everywhere here in Kentucky.. lol. I know my dogs have been sprayed a few times and such.. shew. it does take a long time for the smell of skunk to leave a person though.




Yeah, It's fading slowly, but based on past experience I'll be rather aromatic for a few days. Ugh, smelly things.. LoL


He also serves who only stands and stinks. :P


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes indeed; in which case, I'm serving well, because I still stink... LoL


:lmao: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!


We don't have them over this side of the pond ... luckily!


Never fear, you'll get used to the pong, soon!




Lol, well, I haven't gotten used to it yet.. But I suspect I'll have a few days to do so. LoL


Why would a skunk spray a goat? :o


You must have startled him. Otherwise he would save the skunk venom for a more menacing target.


Besides: what are you doing around politicians anyway? :huh:


Lol, I think I did startle him; he was between my SUV and a wall, and the tailgate hatch swings, right over where he likely was, and there's no way forward, he was kind of cornered. The last time I got sprayed was similar; I'd cornered one and didn't know it.


Note to self: Keep a low profile while in the USA and let other people take the lead when going somewhere new...


Rofl, well, it could have been worse; I also have mountain lion and bear in my area, and rattlesnakes too.

It was pitch black outside, just the light from my porch, and the skunk was in the shadows...


Shadows? AHHA!!! Shadowgod, I knew it!!! I hereby blame Shadowgod for this smelly situation!




Rofl, well, it could have been worse; I also have mountain lion and bear in my area, and rattlesnakes too.

It was pitch black outside, just the light from my porch, and the skunk was in the shadows...


Shadows? AHHA!!! Shadowgod, I knew it!!! I hereby blame Shadowgod for this smelly situation!



Just as long as you think twice about such things in the future... this my smelly friend was but a warning shot across your bow, next my friends wont't be as forgiving.





Bob D.


Ah,... Shadowgod, you consider me a friend! Sweet... now come help find me a bed-buddy!


Bob D. :wub:


Revenge is sweetly smelling like a black weasel in heat!

C James


Rofl, well, it could have been worse; I also have mountain lion and bear in my area, and rattlesnakes too.

It was pitch black outside, just the light from my porch, and the skunk was in the shadows...


Shadows? AHHA!!! Shadowgod, I knew it!!! I hereby blame Shadowgod for this smelly situation!



Just as long as you think twice about such things in the future... this my smelly friend was but a warning shot across your bow, next my friends wont't be as forgiving.




ACK! Now what have I ever done to deserve such a thing? :o

You should go get Graeme... He's the one trying to steal your title...


Ah,... Shadowgod, you consider me a friend! Sweet... now come help find me a bed-buddy!


Bob D. :wub:


Revenge is sweetly smelling like a black weasel in heat!


ACK! A real stinker! :P


However, the scent is fading today, so before its gone, I feel I must take advantage of the situation to lay claim to a tile, however temporary, of my own;


I'm the most aromatic writer on GA! :lol:

  • Site Administrator


CJ, I don't no what you did to that poor skunk, but it must have been something bad for him to have sprayed you.


I have actually had 3 close encounters of the skunk kind, one as recent as August.


Me and a friend were camping and we may have had a beer or six each, when a skunk decided to join us around the campfire. The friend told me that there was a skunk behind me, and then I felt a cold nose rubbing on the back of my leg. Being scared to death of being sprayed, i stayed frozen. Next he sniffed my other leg, and then went up on his hind legs and gave me a back scratch through the cloth chair I was in.


Obviously not liking me, he wandered over to my friend and sniffed both of his legs before doing a figure eight between them. I'm sure the Westminster Dog show would have been impressed. Then he climbed up on the picnic table that the friend was sitting on, and then finally up top and began to open a bag of potato chips.


With his head right in the bag, we slowly got up and grabbed the lantern and heading out 50 feet into the woods.


Five minutes later we came back slowly to find not only the skunk gone, but all the chips in the bag too.


May I suggest that you try to bribe any future skunks with Jalape

Bob D.


Hey, Cj... this blog of yours is more outdated than mine was... Give us a breadcrumb!

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