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Cats Really Do Have 9 Lives.....

So the saying really is true, how do i know? We'll i'll gladly tell you.



So i woke up this morning and did my daily routine, check the common areas clean up etc.

So as i make my way to the penthouse (Office) Upstairs. I overhear one of my bosses talking on the phone about a cat. Later on a find out that a cat fell onto a car, so i figure ohh no big deal right?




Turns out the cat fell from the 10th floor lani right into this ladys car. Pretty much the cat slamed hard into the ladys windshield. So to make things better, the cat somehow was still alive.... Amazing right? I'm still shocked.... So they took the cat to the vet asap. But man what a way to start a morning.... So i sat there and watched the vet trying hard to get the cat, but the cat kept running away from him LOL Finally a cop came and helped him.


So i guess the saying really is true, a cat has nine lives....


-Mike :D

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OK, this is me going nerd on you.


Cats don't have nine lives. They actually have a low terminal velocity so they can fall from a 100 story building and still just get maybe a few broken ribs.


And that's why humans should all have sex with cats and become CATMEN/CATWOMEN AND RULE THE UNIVERSE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Water is a great substitute for alcohol.

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