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Another One Bites the Dust

I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much suck at summing events up. Good thing I have no aspirations to be a Journalist at any point. I better keep this in mind so I do not become a biographer as well. I was supposed to be camping over the weekend, and for the most part I was. For the most part. We left early friday morning. and set out for my uncles house. Got there at 5:00 am the agreed meeting time. The house was dark. Usually there are two other trucks there and and people are shuffling and milling about. None of that this go round. Instead there was a phone call to meet off the freeway, From there there was another stop to pick up a little 100cc dirtbike.


The drive was typical... a few rest stops for two little girls and a dog. The usual stop in Kingman AZ to round up the consumeables that we dont want to carry all the way out. The land we camp on is still about 40 miles outside of Kingman, and from the exit off the higheway its about ten miles back on ranch roads, that all have warning signs letting you know if you break it, they aren't responsible. For the most part the warning is pretty useless, there is a guy back there in the sticks who has a grader, and does take care of the main roads pretty much. The trouble doesn't start however untill you turn off the main "ranch road".


To get back to the site you have to turn off the main road and go on a ... I'll call it a trail because that is all it really is: just one step above nothing at all. The trail it pretty rough, especialy one particular down hill section. This isn't anything we arent't used to, and besides going downhill is a lot easier then going uphill-more on that later.


Camp was set up rather easily. Sunny skies everone just happy to be there, though it looked like someone had used our spot in our absence. There were spent fireworks tossed in our pit, and beer cans of a questionable nature. ( not the brand we drink ). Anyhow it was of little concequence. we got the tents up, got the shed cleaned out from a feild rodent and wasp infestation that ruined all of the camping gear that was stored in there. Thankfully none of us stored our gear in there, or else the rain would have been not much fun.


There was beer and carne.. and interestingly enough a nice light show that provided a few sprinkles but nothing too fun. That came saturday afternoon. After I had the chance to shoot trap, which I didnt do to well at because it had been around 18 months since I had done it last. My sister picked up the gun and hit the first three she fired at... the first time she had ever handled a gun.


Beginners luck. Thats okay though, It isn't I who knocked the mirror off the Explorer by running into a tree :P


Then the rain came, and came. for an hour. An hour which proved that tents are not completely 100% weatherproof. It was this little hour long bout of rain that inspired us to call it a trip and pack it up a day early. Got camp broken down in about 2 hours. then we were off to the hill we were all worried about. The trailer we took this go round was a lot hevier then any we had taken previously and it had already caused a few problems in going up hill in a few places.


It wouldn't disapoint. Going up the worst section the Yokun lost traction and began to spin its tires. It took two hours and a lot of manuvering to finally get the damn thing up the hill. On the way up the trailer opened up and what was left inside all came flying out as the thing bounced its way up. Carrying crap up a 20 to 45 degree grade on loose rock is a pain in the ass... and legs... and shoulders... The altitude of it all didn't help much either... not for a lot of flat landers anyhow. It just sucked, and took a good four hours.


From there we repacked the trailer, got the oddessy stowed and made our way out. About a mile from the paved road cell service returned. Everyone in the cars phones where going bizerk with text messeges and voicemails. Everyones except mine that is. Kinda felt like a looser... but whatever, my phone is nothing but a overpriced clock and way for me to check my emails anyhow.


Anyhow that was the fun from Arizona 2009




1 passenger side rear view mirror on a Ford Explorer.


1 drivers side running board on a GMC Yukon.


Assorted camping gear including: 3 tents, 3 air mattresses, 1 screened shelter, assorted other camp items, and 1 day.


all in all the time spent there was good. It was nice not to think about other shit for a while. Im already looking forward to going back... eventually.

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Aha, I knew when you described the trail down that there was trouble going to happen on the way back up. And those mirror eating trees along the trail, yep been there done that. Bungey cords, rope and lots of tarps, it once rained for the entire trip (3 days) and the rain only stopped as we were leaving :angry:. We had to tarp over everything to keep the site as dry as possible. Even then, once the boots got wet, I couldn't get them dry again, even tried keeping them near/over the fire all night.


:angry:..............BTW..........Where is the next chapter????????

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