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Next Week



Next week is gonna start some major changes for me. I'm going back to school to start my MCSA/A+/Network+ computer certifications which is going to be a big step for me given my past history. These certifications will let me get a decent IT job and hopefully let me pay off my debts, student loans, get a car and ultimatly move out of the house (yay!).


For those who don't know, the past three years to me have felt like an on going episode of House M.D. where I came down with a mysterious illness and it took close to two years to finally diagnose it. While I'm happy to finally realize what it was (Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic seizures mixed with Depression and Agoraphobia) it took me another year after that diagnosis to get back on my feet and start meeting life head on. Now that I'm well enough to start going back to school, I came to realize that I have limitations. I can't take more then 2 classes other wise I get anxiety ridden and shut down, leaving me with a failure academically, even though it's a medical reason I still feel like a failure, but I'm over that now that I know my limitations.


After much consultation with my docs, we came to realize that either going to school part time or taking a vocational class would be best (hence why I'm going for the certifications). I'm really looking forward to this because I know in my mind that it's a huge step forward from where I've been lately. It's a stepping stone to my ultimate goal of achieving my Doctorate in Psychology (lofty goal I know :P )


Now for the past few days, I've been really down, filled with doubts and mixed attitudes. I feel like I'm gonna screw this up somehow or that some outside force is gonna drop a shoe on me and screw these good things up for me. I've been getitng a wee bit paranoid lately, and obsessive, falling back on old habits that took me three years to overcome. But, unlike three years ago, I know when to ask for help, and I have been. I've been talking to my parents and asking them to hold onto some money for me so I don't spend it all and loose everything like I used to (when I got depressed I would go on spending sprees). I've talked to my boyfriend and asked him to keep a closer eye on me and to not let me drink at all except for 1 glass of red wine at dinner (I used to drink and get drunk to hide my feelings). I've also asked my friends to constantly ask me how i'm doing and to keep an eye on me, that if I call and sound like I'm drunk, I need help and to come help me (I tend to sound like I'm drunk when I have a seizure/anxiety attack).


Basically, three years ago, I would've murdered myself if I asked for help like I did, and I would've had a fit if I asked my parents to hold my money (we have it in a join account so while they can't stop me from taking it out if necessary, any withdraws requires a signature from me and one of my parents). In a nut shell, I'm making it so that I have no way to fail this time around, and doing what I should've done three years ago.


So now. It's time to kick some ass and take names, and get this schooling done not for anyone, but for me because if I do this, I know I can do anything no matter what.


Eric :)


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You are incredibly brave. I salute you. Having limitations isn't a failure it's a challenge. It means that everything you achieve has been earned and is all the more valuable for it. A life full of challenges is a life full of success and fulfilment. You have family. You have friends. You have a boyfriend. You have intellingence and courage... how could you POSSIBLY fail? :)


I know what a life of challenges is about. I have a back problem which means that my discs are slowly crumbling away. To add to the problem I broke my back in two places ten years ago. Ishould be in a wheelchair but I'm not because I chose to deal with the pain and get on with it. I should be tranked out on pain killers but I'm not because I refuse to take them and find other ways of dealing (or not dealing) with the pain.


Now I have been struck down with an illness, something like yours in that no one seems to know what is going on. It is rather frightening because I am not allowed to drive which, due to my back condition, makes me pretty much house bound. I have constant headaches, my speech is degrading so I have a stammer and sometimes just can't speak, I have serious memory problems and blank outs. But I am still working, albeit part time. I am still writing and I am still looking forward to moving and getting a new life.


If I can do it anyone can do it and I am damned sure from what I have read of you that you can do it. Lofty dreams? Of course. If you don't reach for the stars how can you ever hope to reach them. If you keep your eyes on the stars you don't see the shit you are walking through and if you have to stop now and again to get someone to help you scraping it off your shoes then so be it. :)


Good luck on your course although I am sure you won't need it



Having worked with Rob and gotten used to his interactions with various services at Cal State University Long Beach, I can tell you that you're doing the right thing and that your goal of a Doctorate in Psych. is not at all unrealistic. Now that you know what the root problem was, you will be surprised at the actual speed with which you can still accomplish all of your goals.



Kia Zi Shiru


You're gonna be okay!

Coming year I'll be on my third time doing first year of a college course. This time it's business computer stuff, and after I'm through with the first year I'm gonna go to uni doing Acheology. But I'm asking for help to accomplish it, just like you I hate having to ask help for anything, but to move on in live I'm gonna have to.


Let's do our best and not overwork ourselfs and drive us crazy!


*hugs* You can do it!

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