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Mayor Naugle fears Homo-Sex in public beach restrooms:


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lol, and the Mayor has yet to provide any evidence that sex occurs in those toilets. A local news channel here in Miami gave him a deadline to provide a list of complaints of sex in restrooms, but all he provided was a list of books he thought that are pornographic from the Stonewall Library. (He voted against allowing the Library to move into a city building that also houses a Broward County Library branch.)

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Oh wow...wouldn't that just utterly suck if you were a tourist and you had diarehea and were using the bathroom and all of a sudden, the door flung open as someone walked by and saw your uncomfortable facial expression, brought on by the diarehea :lol: .


We need to get these nut cases out of office...like soon.

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I'm more disgusted with the fact that there are politicians in office in Florida who would much rather spend and exhorbitant sum of money on toilets that prevent sex (instead using taxpayer's money, like my dad since he helps my moms mom out, and she lives in Ft. Lauderdale) just because it continues to soil the reputation of my birthplace (I was born in Boynton Beach, FL). Must be all those damnable puddle jumpers...

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Mr Naugle is a dumbass.


If sex at the beach is the biggest problem this asswipes community is facing, I'd like to introduce him to some highway 80 crack-whores. These are skanks that aren't even up to interstate standards.

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Then he'll just have crowds of queer exhibitionists in his bathrooms. They'll get off on the fact that the doors pop open. Maybe that's his plan all along.... he just wanted to see it. :D Silly conservative Christians, don't they know they don't have to spend 250k on a toilet to see naked boy parts?

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It seems that has flushed his brains in the toilet and left the shit in his head. :angry: How the hell he became a Mayor? :angry::angry:



You, of all the people, should be familiar about the way these people get into office, Ieshwar. We have prime examples in our own dear little mother India....lol


The BeaStKid

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Earlier this year, he refused to sign a mayor's pact to reduce greenhouse gases. Naugle said global warming is not caused by humans and that the pact contained "hate-America stuff that the environmental wackos want in."


lol...forget the toilets. The last comment is way more awesome.

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How about we just try to keep them clean.


It shouldn't be so shocking example, that religous preacher that really spoke out against homosexuality, he's caught screwing, a male prostitute.

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