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This is the worst week of my life!

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The other day my neice was rushed to Primary Childerens hospital and they found out that she has a brain tumor. Then she had surgery a few days ago and they found out that the tumor is malignant which means that its cancer. Shes only three years old and I dont believe in god. This sucks. :(

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  • Site Administrator


I"m so sorry to hear that bud. Things can still work out though. Hold on to hope.

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Sorry to hear your news Patrick. It's never too late to change your mind and offer a prayer though. Maybe someone/something listens to our thoughts; I don't know either, and I can't prove it either way yet. Maybe it's worth a try for your neice's sake? Just a thought Patrick, but I'll say one for you as well if you like.



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They were suposed to operate some time this week but my brother (who is a very big hollyer than thou mormon) said no that he didnt want to operate again and I dont understand why he is doing this. This whole thing makes me very depresed I mean just when you think things are going to be ok and its going to all turn around somehing else happens.

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Patrick, I'm so sorry to hear about your neice and I can only imagine what you're going through. My family is carrier of a gene (cystic fibrosis) which has given a few of my cousins the disease. One died from it at 11 months, another was 9 when he died, a third is currently 13 and holding his own and the fourth died at 32. It's never easy and I wish I could spare you and your neice from that pain. My heart goes out to both of you and feel free to contact me, if you should want to talk about this further.

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Thank you guys your so great your all so understanding and consideration I dont know whats going to happen but thank you so much you guys have no idea what your posts have meant to me and I dont know how to show my appresheation.


hugs to all who took time out of their daily lives to right some kind words

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god looks like everyones lives are turning the wrong way. just hang in there i have with everything that is happening with my mom and its hard i know but love will see her though i hope never lose hope. i wish for your brother to see the light and save his child. iif you need someone to talk to i'm here you know how to get ahold of me so dont give up hang in there.

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