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Possible definition of what is love

Jack Frost

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I read this in a Dutch gay comic (translated into French) that I love reading - Max et Sven


There is a line explaining what is love and how to sum it up. I just love it...I could've even describe it any better than this...


French original: Une fois j'ai entendu quelqu'un comparer l'
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Gut level . . . Yeah, that about sums it up.


I've never explored the actual description of love in any of my writings, but I suppose that might be something to put on the need to do list.


In my new story, about the brain damaged boy growing to adulthood, there actually might be a time to do just that. Kevin is fairly articulate, if you can get him to express his feelings, which is difficult because that part of his brain is either damaged or hasn't been opened yet. There are times approaching in his so far unwritten life where he will encounter love, real love for another. So, quite possibly there might come a situation where he has to explain what he is feeling, how he knows he is in love. I can see, possibly in Part IV or V, where someone will express his love for Kevin, and that might be a good time to explore the definition, too.


Well, thanks for the writing assignment. I guess I've got some work to do.


Carl :boy:

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