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I remember walking into a gay bar in Birmingham, UK, bought a pint, sat down, drank it, and only realised it was a gay bar when I was leaving and saw all the gay literature on a table nearby....



B) .........Damn Graeme! I see you don't even need gaydar to find a gay bar!! :P

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I remember walking into a gay bar in Birmingham, UK, bought a pint, sat down, drank it, and only realised it was a gay bar when I was leaving and saw all the gay literature on a table nearby....

I'll see you that and raise you "being hit on by a guy, obviously, and STILL not getting it!"


In fact, I would take in the literature and assume it to be a progressive bar, not necessarily a gay bar :P

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LOL. I remember my bestfriend AND my straight first crush (they went to the same university in college) recounting an experience in which they entered a bar, bought some beer, and after about twenty minutes realized they had entered a gay bar. LOL.


Talk about hasty exits ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

gaydar ain't good for everyone. one of my best always said that he has a good gaydar. Tho somehow he managed to miss that his cousin is gay and he was seeing him at least everyweek.


as for me, well can't say I have one. You'd really have to be "girly" acting for me to guess. I'm guessing that even if 2 guys were to kiss on the street I'd wonder if they're gay, LOL :D

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  • 1 month later...

Strangely enough, it seems as if my gaydar has evolved somehow. Lately I've had an uncanny ability to pick the gay guys out of the crowd, and read people like a book in other ways too.


Like today, I was talking to a guy in HIS 102. He sits beside me, and the first day I saw him I thought "Hmmm... nah.... probably not", and then today we actually talked a little. As soon as I got one sentence from him, alarm bells started clanging like mad and I just knew he had to be gay. Sure enough, tonight I looked him up on facebook and added him, and he is indeed gay.


Oh, and he's really cute, too, lol. He's got a boyfriend, I believe. He seems quite nifty so far; intelligent without being arrogant, funny, and polite. Having a pair of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen doesn't hurt, either. :P


This is kinda cool. Maybe it's just a lucky streak. I'd really rather believe that my gaydar has actually improved a good bit.

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Strangely enough, it seems as if my gaydar has evolved somehow. Lately I've had an uncanny ability to pick the gay guys out of the crowd, and read people like a book in other ways too.


Like today, I was talking to a guy in HIS 102. He sits beside me, and the first day I saw him I thought "Hmmm... nah.... probably not", and then today we actually talked a little. As soon as I got one sentence from him, alarm bells started clanging like mad and I just knew he had to be gay. Sure enough, tonight I looked him up on facebook and added him, and he is indeed gay.


Oh, and he's really cute, too, lol. He's got a boyfriend, I believe. He seems quite nifty so far; intelligent without being arrogant, funny, and polite. Having a pair of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen doesn't hurt, either. :P


This is kinda cool. Maybe it's just a lucky streak. I'd really rather believe that my gaydar has actually improved a good bit.

YAY!!! :great::2thumbs:


Way to go, Jamie!!


I'm sorry he ended up having a boyfriend though :( But at least your gaydar pinged him! :D

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Personally I don't believe in "Gaydar" anymore, at least not where I live.. the meterosexual/emo epidemic has blown my Gaydar so far off course it's plain useless :) I'm sure it's likely the majority of them are bi.. but we're talking 'bout Gaydar not Bidar :blink:

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Hey, I got news. One good and one bad.


Good- I got a gaydar! :D


Bad- I'm not sure it's good. :(




In work, there's that guy. I don't know if he's gay or just effeminate. I know I mustn't stereotype but damn... his walk, his talk, the way he pronounce, the way he keeps moving his hands, the way he bends ( :wacko: )...


Perhaps, he's just a metrosexual...


Damn, I'm like itching to go and ask him "Are you gay?" I can't rest at peace. :lol:


But I don't mind. He's not my type anyway. But it would be ice to have a gay friend...and a gaydar.


Take care,


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I've limited gaydar. It's only gets clear in hindsight. And I'm easily confused by metrosexuals. Case in point: I once heard a guy say, "Oh, I love that shirt you're wearing!" Gay, right? In the next breath, he said, "My wife would love it too!" :wacko: Of course, he could be gay and married to a woman. But you know...

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Mine remains dead in the water, though my Wishdar went crazy in Physics Colloquium yesterday... three hot guys when I walked in! Two of them are also in my Statics class :D



:( ....I picked the only straight guy in a gay bar!!

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Oh jeez, mine's getting good. I'm loving this newfound ability to find the boys who like boys. Oh, and I really like this newfound ability to look cute enough to make one wanna kiss me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go be a fire hazard.


~hops up, clicks heels, and dances away~ :D

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I accidentally flirt with str8 metrosexual/emo boys all the time, drives me nuts. Lucky I'm not into big muscular stud types or I'd probably get in trouble for flirting with some homophobic jock :blink: . But cmon, it's impossible, I mean I was chatting to a guy the other day who was wearing tight legged black CHICKS jeans, and he turned out to be str8... worlds gone crazy :wacko:

Edited by Leo
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