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I guess I'm the only Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving person here (that's 'cause I'm special, :P )

"ESTPs are spontaneous, active folks. Like the other SPs, ESTPs get great satisfaction from acting on their impulses. Activities involving great power, speed, thrill and risk are attractive to the ESTP. Chronic stifling of these impulses makes the ESTP feel "dead inside."


Gamesmanship is the calling card of the ESTP. Persons of this type have a natural drive to best the competition. Some of the most successful salespersons are ESTPs. P.T. Barnum ("Never give a sucker an even break") illustrates the unscrupulous contingent of this type.


Almost unconsciously the ESTP looks for nonverbal, nearly subliminal cues as to what makes her quarry "tick." Once she knows, she waits for just the right time to trump the unsuspecting victim's ace and glory in her conquest. Oddly enough, the ESTP seems to admire and respect anyone who can beat her at her own game.


"If I was any better, I couldn't stand it!" To an ESTP, admission of weakness feels like failure. He admires strength in himself and in others.


"Shock effect" is a favored technique of this type to get the attention of his audience. ESTPs love to be at center stage, demonstrating feats of wonder and daring. "

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I'm a MEH...





MEH Traits


  • grouchy and surly
  • enthusiastically apathetic
  • mean and a little evil
  • was drunk and disorderly, now clean & sober without an excuse
  • would rather be fishing


On the dark side....


  • makes postal workers look sane and stable
  • asks hookers for refunds on bad sex
  • fantasizes about beating people to death with a claw hammer
  • cheered when shouting tv huckster and coke head Billy Mayes died like a dog
  • screws televangelists, publishes videos on u-tube for kicks


Famous MEH's in history




Stewie Griffin




Dr. Evil




300 pound dumb ass wearing a "No Fat Chicks" t-shirt

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